The best matcha latte in Canggu

Best matcha latte in Canggu

Find out where to get the best matcha latte in Canggu and enjoy the perfect cup of green smoothness! 

On the hunt for the green divine

Honestly I am not sure how many people are going to be interested in this blog post topic, but I will write it anyways 😀 

Since I don’t drink coffee, but still love to enjoy a hot drink in the morning I am a huge fan of lattes. Especially matcha latte! I know it’s quite an acquired taste and when I started drinking matcha I thought it tasted like hay, but I guess its like red wine the more often you drink it the more you start liking the taste 😀

Living here in Canggu and being a real matcha addict I set out to find the best matcha latte possible in this tiny town. 

Here is a rundown of the places I tried and a brief description of my matcha latte experience. Read on to find out where you can get the best one in Canggu! 

So generally a matcha latte in Canggu will cost you anywhere from 35k to 45k. All restaurants had pretty much the same pricing. Some will charge you a bit extra if you want it iced. 

My matcha latte ranking

T.M.O Café: 1/10

This was probably the worst matcha latte in Canggu! I was intrigued by a sign outside that said „matcha latte with almond milk special“, so I went in to try. It was extremely sour, the latte art sucked on top and it came lukewarm. When you order they ask you if you want a big or small cup, but not even the small cup is worth the price. 

Best matcha latte in Canggu

Matcha Cafe: 2/10

Okay so big disappointment for this one. You would figure that a place that calls itself the „Matcha Café“ you would definitely get the best matcha latte, right? Well apparently not! I was utterly disappointed because it was tasting very sour and bland. We tried the iced and the hot latte and both were a big fail. 

Best matcha latte in Canggu

Esperluette French Bakery: 4/10

Well I guess I couldn’t really expect a French Bakery to serve good matcha latte. This one was not very good. However it came in a beautiful mug on a nice wooden place and golden spoon. The little cookie next to it was more of a highlight than the matcha drink itself. There was also no latte art on top which was kind of sad. 

Funky Pancakes: 5/10 

This one was alright. To be honest I don’t really remember it much, which must mean it was pretty mediocre. The pancakes were really good though 😉

Best matcha latte in Canggu

The Sloth: 6/10

Regarding the presentation of the drink I was super happy. I loved their milk foam art on top and if you are vegan or want plant based milk you don’t have to pay extra! All in all a very good drink, but a bit weak in taste. 

Best matcha latte in Canggu

Tropical Nomad Co-working: 10/10

The best matcha latte in Canggu comes from a Co-working space? Waiiiit what? Yes, I was surprised myself! 😀 I have been working from Tropical nomad for two months and obviously had to try their matcha latte version as well. You cannot even imagine how smooth and delicious their drink is. This is really a whole new level of enjoyment. You will get a lot of delicious milk foam with amazing latte art each time in a big mug that always lasts me for an hour! If you are not here to co-work you can simply hang out in the Café or garden area and still enjoy this yummy drink here! 

Best matcha latte in Canggu

So if you want the best matcha latte you know where to go now: Tropical Nomad Co-working! 

If you end up finding a place you like better please let me know in the comments, I am always happy to adapt & update this blog post. 
Check out my blogpost on the best healthy food in Canggu, where I will be sharing my favorite restaurants! 



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