The art of food styling

I strongly believe you can make anything look absolutely fantastic by just adding some simple decoration items to your dish. Even the most boring chia pudding can turn into something colorful and exciting wit a couple of small styling items. In this blogpost I want to share some of my favorite decoration tricks and food styling tips. Read on if this is something you are interested in 🙂 

The importance of decoration

First off I would like to show you how important it is to style your food. It simply makes a huge difference! Below you find two images showing exactly the same chia pudding. On the left side without any decoration and on the right side with decoration. I would advise you to always use a nice surface to shoot your food on. Plain and simple surfaces are great. 

Food Styling Food Styling

More over I like to use dish towels as background props. It gives the image a soft look and feel. Then I usually use flowers to add an extra touch. I ordered cute spoons on the internet and frequently place them next to my dish to make the picture look more interesting. Having fruit in the picture is also always a good way to make the photo more interesting. 

No decoration

Food Styling Food Photography

With decoration

Food Styling Food Photography

In my food blogging online course I have two chapters especially dedicated to food styling and food props to teach you everything you need to know to become a professional in this area. 

Food props

Here are some photos from the food blogging course video where I am showing all the props I have at home and use for my own creations. 

Food Blogging Course  

As you can see over the months I have acquired quite a big array of different glasses, bowls, plates, spoons and deco material. I love to be able to choose from different fabrics and styles in order to keep my feed interesting. I would also suggest you to slowly build up your own propping equipment.

Here are my top five food blogging styling props: 

  1. Cute spoons 
  2. Tiny little cookie cutters
  3. White dish towel 
  4. Mason jars
  5. Flowers 

In my online course I am explaining how and when I use all of these tools to get the best results. I will also be sharing the links to the products that I use, so you don’t have to look for them yourself.  If you are interested in food blogging and how to get started and improve you should definitely check out my food blogging online course. You can also sign up for free food blogging tips on the website. 

Food Blogging Course

My opinion is always: Content is king on Instagram. If you manage to produce better pictures you will most certainly also see an enhanced growth on your account 🙂
I hope this article was helpful for you! If you have any questions, let me know in the comments!
Feel free to check out my other articles on food styling and food blogging



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