Einfache keto Lachsrolle mit Spinat und Frischkäse

Keto Lachsrolle

Die einfache keto Lachsrolle mit Spinat und Frischkäse ist ein ganz besonderes Rezept für alle keto und low carb Fans. Sie ist schnell zubereitet und enthält wertvolle Nährstoffe für den Körper, ohne ihn mit Kohlenhydraten zu belasten. 

Springe zu Rezept

Die kohlenhydratfreie Lachsrolle ist perfekt als Snack für zwischendurch oder als Vorspeise. Man kann sie natürlich auch als Hauptspeise essen. Bevor wir uns das genaue Rezept ansehen möchte ich dir noch ein paar Infos zu den wirkungsvollen Inhaltsstoffen in diesem Rezept geben. 

Lachsrolle mit Spinat

Die Nährstoffe in diesem Gericht


Was ich an der keto Lachsrolle mit Spinat und Frischkäse so liebe ist, dass sie richtig gute Nährstoffe für den Körper enthält. Oft sind ja keto Gerichte voll von gesättigten Fettsäuren und einfach echt nicht gesund. Klar geht es bei keto darum viel Fett zu konsumieren, aber ich bin der Meinung man sollte dabei auch darauf achten was für Fett das ist.

Es wird ja zwischen ungesättigten und gesättigten Fettsäuren unterschieden und ersteres ist für unseren Körper besonders wichtig. Lachs ist einer der fettreichsten Kaltwasserfische und enthält besonders viele Omega-3 Fettsäuren. Diese besonderen Fettsäuren kann unser Körper nicht selbst bilden.  Es wurde herausgefunden, dass sie Alzheimer und Depressionen vorbeugen sollen. Sie können den Hormonhaushalt sowie Cholesterinspiegel senken und das Risiko eines Herzinfarkts senken. 

Keto Lachsrolle mit Spinat und Frischkäse


Eier haben ja oft den schlechten Ruf das Cholesterin anzuheben, dabei haben sie doch auch so viele gesunde Nährstoffe für uns. Darüber hinaus liefern Eier hochwertiges Eiweiß, ungesättigte Fettsäuren, viele Vitamine und Mineralstoffe. Außerdem enthalten Eier Folsäure, Kalzium, Phosphor, Eisen und Kalium.


Spinat ist in meinen Augen heimisches Superfood! Er besitzt sehr viele wirkungsvolle Mineralstoffe, Vitamine, sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe und einen hohen Anteil an Magnesium. Deshalb kann er den Blutdruck senken, die Augen vor Sonnenlicht schützen und das Wachstum der Muskeln fördern. Denkt sonst noch wer gerade an Popeye den Matrosen? Jetzt macht es wohl Sinn warum er immer Spinat gegessen hat um stark zu werden.  

Keto Lachsrolle mit Spinat und Frischkäse

Keto Lachsrolle Rezept

Sehen wir uns nun das einfache Rezept für die keto Lachsrolle an. Diese ist innerhalb von kurzer Zeit zubereitet. 

Keto Lachsrolle mit Spinat und Frischkäse

Perfekt für die low carb und keto Ernährung

Gericht Appetizer
Keyword keto, Lachsrolle, low carb
Zubereitungszeit 10 Minuten
Backzeit 10 Minuten
Portionen 5



  • 4 Eier
  • 1 Brise Salz & Pfeffer
  • 50 g geriebener Käse
  • 50 g Blattspinat


  • 80 g Kräuterfrischkäse
  • 100 g Räucherlachs


  1. Den Ofen auf 200 Grad vorheizen.
  2. Die Eier in eine Schüssel geben und schaumig rühren. Mit Salz und Pfeffer etwas würzen.
  3. Den geriebenen Käse untermischen. Den frischen Spinat fein hacken und unter die Masse mischen.
  4. Die Masse auf ein ausgelegtes Backblech geben und in rechteckiger Form verteilen.
  5. Im Rohr 10 Minuten backen, herausnehmen und etwas abkühlen lassen.
  6. Die Masse umdrehen und den Frischkäse auf die noch warme Masse geben damit ersich besser verstreichen lässt.
  7. Die gesamte Fläche dünn mit Frischkäse bestreichen. Nun den Lachs auf dem Frischkäse verteilen.
  8. Fest zusammenrollen und noch für 30 Minuten zusammengerollt und eingewickelt in Frischhaltefolie in den Kühlschrank stellen.
  9. In dünne Scheiben schneiden und kalt oder aufgewärmt servieren.

Falls du auf der Suche nach weiteren Keto Rezepten bist schau mal hier vorbei:

Dieses Rezept habe ich übrigens letztes Jahr mit meinen Kochschülern im Fitness Food Kochkurs in Wien gemacht. Alle waren super begeistert davon. Seit kurzem habe ich jetzt einen neuen Kochkurs online. Dabei lernst du wie du Clean Eating langfristig in deinem Alltag umsetzten kannst, bekommst tolle Tipps mit auf den Weg sowie die besten Fitness Rezepte in meinem Repertoire! 
Fitness Food Online Kochkurs

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Lachsrolle mit Spinat


Keto and Low Carb Protein Rafaello Recipe

Protein Rafaello Recipe

Could there be anything better than protein Rafaellos? I personally love those little coconut treats and that is why I wanted to create a super clean version of them. Let me share this delicious protein Rafaello recipe with you today and I am sure you will fall in love with it as well. It is low carb as well as keto approved! 

healthy protein rafaello recipe

The inspiration for this protein Rafaello recipe

This was actually one of the first fitness recipes I ever developed about 4 years ago. When I started to eat clean I was looking for clean ways to still satisfy my sweet tooth and thats when I came up with this delicious and incredible protein Rafaello recipe . 

It is super easy – as most of my recipes are – you only need a couple very basic ingredients. This means the recipe doesn’t require you to cook or bake anything. Literally anyone can do it within 15 minutes. 

The cute little protein balls are also perfect for decoration other dishes. Here some examples of my bowls and parfaits where I used them to really make the dish pop. 

protein rafaello recipe low carb keto

Other uses for the protein rafaellos

Once you have made the little cute and delicious protein rafaellos there are many different ways of including them in your recipes. This is a chia coconut overnight oats bowl. Heavenly right? Here is another creation of a coconut parfait I made with the cute little protein balls: 

Protein rafaello Recipe

The perfect party snack 

Once you make these the first time I promise you you will fall in love with them. This protein Rafaello recipe is so genius I should actually get a price for it 😀 No seriously – if you are ever only going to make one of my recipes then make this one!  

I often make this protein Rafaello recipe when I have friends over. It is the perfect snack to put in the middle of the table for everyone. Usually most people cannot believe it is super healthy and doesn’t contain any sugar, butter or flour! 

One ball has only 1.9 net carbs, which is absolutely amazing. One protein Rafaello will have about 46kcal, which makes it a way better snack than a regular sugar cookie. You will be able to make about 15 pieces out of this recipe. Store them in the fridge for up to 3 days. 

Protein Rafaello recipe

So lets not keep you waiting for much longer and jump into the super easy Rafaello recipe: 

Protein Rafaellos
Yields 15
A clean substitute for the conventional treat
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Prep Time
15 min
Prep Time
15 min
  1. 30g coconut or vanilla whey protein
  2. 250g low fat cream cheese
  3. 40g coconut flour
  4. 20g Xylit or Erythrit
  5. 20g coconut flakes
  6. 15 almonds for the filling
  1. Take a big bowl and mix the whey protein with the cream cheese, coconut flour, sweetener of choice and half of the coconut flakes. You should get a sticky and quite stiff mixture.
  2. Take a small little bowl and pour the rest of the coconut flakes in it.
  3. Now with a spoon take a good amount of dough into your hands and roll into a little ball.
  4. Stick the almond in the middle and roll until smooth.
  5. Put the little protein ball into the coconut flakes and make sure to cover the entire ball with them.
  1. The protein balls will harden a bit if you put them into the freezer.
carinaberry.com https://carinaberry.com/
Are you looking for other little healthy treats? Make sure to check out my date fudge balls. They are also a perfect on the go snack! Also did you know I have a Youtube channel. You can find more healthy recipes on there!

Did you make this recipe? 

Did you make this recipe?

Tag  @carina_berry and use the Hashtag #carinaberry to get the possibility for a shoutout on my Instagram! 

Finally, I always love to see your wonderful creations and it makes me so happy to see you guys actually making my recipes. 






Keto Bounty Bars – a low carb snack!

Keto Bounty Bars

Since I am currently on a keto diet, which is a very extreme form of a low carb diet, I wanted to share one of my favorite sweet recipes with you. When you are on keto it is seems to be quite hard to still satisfy your sweet tooth, however, with these delicious low carb keto bounty bars you won’t even miss the real sugar!  <3

My take on a keto diet

Being on a low carb diet can be quite tricky. Especially when you are trying to eat something sweet. On a ketogenic diet especially you have to cut out most of your carbs and replace them with fats. These tasty keto bounty bars will provide you with a good amount of healthy fats from the coconut. Your nutrition intake should be somewhere between eating 60-70% fat each day. Research says proteins should take up 25% and carbs only 5%.

The longest I have been on a keto diet was for 5 weeks. It has helped me tremendously to fix a bacterial problem I had in my stomach as the bacteria was survived by eating carb. Once I cut out all the carbs I was able to starve the harmful bacteria and was fine again. So a keto diet can actually have great health benefits. I would not suggest this diet to be your general way of eating though. I find it to extreme and at some point I believe your body will be missing valuable nutrients you get from eating fresh fruit for example. 

Keto Bounty Bars

How to make keto bounty bars

So, this is another really easy recipe. As you know my recipes usually don’t take longer than 15 minutes and this also a really quick one – no cooking skills required!

First you start out by making the filling. Simply put all ingredients together and mix well until you get a crumbly mixture. It should be moist and stick together. Shape the filling into little bar shapes and place them on a baking sheet. Let them harden in the fridge for 2 hours. They should be really cold when you take them out! You can even put the keto bounty bars in the freezer for a bit so they will harden faster. 

Ketogenic Bounty Bars

The next step is to make the chocolate coating. The darker your chocolate is the less carbs you will have. Of course a 99% dark chocolate also tastes bitter. I usually shoot somewhere between 75 and 80%. 

Melt the chocolate in a medium heat proof bowl. I usually do it in the microwave because it is faster, but if you want to do it the proper way then melt it over the steam of boiling water or at 45 degrees in the oven. I like to add a bit of coconut oil to my coating so it is easier to distribute over the keto bounty bars and also hardens better after.

Low Carb bounty bars

Take out the cold bars from the fridge or freezer and dip them into the chocolate. Let the superfluous chocolate drip off the bars and gently place them on the baking sheet again. If you want you can sprinkle them with coconut flakes now. Best you let them cool in the fridge again for another hour. 

You see how easy this recipe is. Done are your easy keto bounty bars. 🙂 I hope you will try this low carb recipe soon! 

keto bounty bars

Below I have summarized the recipe in a printable version for you: 

Ketogenic Bounty Bars
Yields 20
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Prep Time
15 min
Prep Time
15 min
  1. 200g of coconut flakes
  2. 50g of coconut oil
  3. 100g of Phiadelphia cream cheese full fat
  4. 50g of whey or vegan protein
  5. 5-8 Flavdrops Vanilla
  1. 70g dark chocolate 90%
  2. 1 tbsp coconut oil
  3. Coconut flakes
  1. Put the coconut flakes into the over at 180 degrees for about 7 minutes until they turn golden.
  2. Put them into a bowl and stir liquid coconut oil, Philadelphia cream cheese, whey protein and the Flavdrops in. Now form little bars and put them on a baking sheet.
  3. Put them into the fridge for half an hour.
  4. Melt the chocolate with the extra coconut oil. Pour chocolate over the bars and sprinkle with more coconut flakes. Now cool them again in the fridge.
  1. Nutrition values for 1 bar: 120kcal, 35g fat, 2g carbs, 15g protein
carinaberry.com https://carinaberry.com/
I hope you enjoyed this easy recipe. You can store them in the fridge for like a week and always have a low carb snack at hand! Check out my super clean protein Rafaello snack recipe too. I am sure you would love it! 

And did you know I am also on YouTube? I am sharing tons of helpful food blogger advice there and show you some of my favorite recipes as well! 

Keto Bounty Bars


Tag @carinaberry on Instagram and hashtag it #carinaberry

I’ll always be giving shoutouts on my Instastory for those who are making my recipes. <3

