How to become a food blogger in 2021

How to become a successful food blogger

Ever wondered how to become a food blogger in 2020? Then let me give you a quick rundown of food blogging 101 and explain what it takes in order to start a food blog! I will be giving you many helpful tips and share some important insights of how to get started in the blogging sphere with you. 

What fuels you with passion?

Make sure to find a topic or niche that you are really passionate about. I am a fitness food blogger and since I have started my blog I did not have one day where I couldn’t think of a recipe I wanted to make. The ideas just keep coming and I could be in the kitchen everyday whipping up my next low carb or keto creation. I just have so much love and interest in what I do that the ideas keep coming. So, my tip for you is to really pick a topic that you know won’t get dull and boring after making 30 recipes. If you think you should be a vegan foodie because vegan food is trendy right now, but don’t eat vegan yourself or find it that interesting because you would rather eat juicy burgers and cheesy fries you will soon run out of motivation. 

How to become a food blogger

Setting you up for success

After having defined your niche and blogging topic you can start to set up your blog and Instagram account. These two platforms are the most important right now in my opinion. I get most partnerships over Instagram, a lot of them also requesting a package deal of a blog post and Instagram posting in combination. 

If you decide to start your own blog you will need a web host. I can recommend signing up with Bluehost! This is where you can buy your domain name (they have a one year for free offer right now) and get your email address. Bluehost also has a one-click WordPress installation, which makes starting your own food blog so much easier. Moreover, they have really great customer service, which is always important if you run into any troubles and need guidance. 

For my website I also use WordPress. This can be a bit challenging at first, but after a couple of hours you will get the hang of it. It lets you do much more than other sides with easier user interfaces like jimdo or wix. 

Regarding Instagram I recommend you open a business profile because this will give you much more access to interesting statistic. Also make sure your account is set to public and to to private! Start learning about how to grow on Instagram with my 10 top tips. You might also enjoy this YouTube video explaining some growth tips. 

how to start a food blog

The right equipment for a food blogger

In order to take photos I really recommend you to get a DSLR camera. I shoot with a Nikon D750 which is great because of its speed and easy handling. If you are just starting out I recommend the D7500 with a 50mm 1.8 lens. Right now I am shooting with a 35mm 1.8 lens that takes beautiful photos as well. 

Besides camera equipment it is important to have a nice setup for your photos. It makes sense to get a backdrop paper or a big marble platter you can use for shooting. Gather some nice kitchen towels, cutlery, glasses, dishes and other fun deco items. 

I have an amazing blog post on „basic food blogging equipment“ that you should definitely have a look. It shows you the absolute basics you should acquire as a food blogger. 

Basic Food Blogging Equipment-2

Food Styling

What can really set you apart from hobby bloggers is the way you style your food. Anyone can make a cake and take a photo of it. But to really draw attention to the shot you should master some basic skills of food styling. Decoration can make all the difference. Experiment with flowers, sprinkles, berries and so on to really add details and layers of interest to your photos. 

Here are two blog posts you simply need to check out: 

low carb protein cake

Useful tools for a food blogger

There are some tools that make your life a lot easier when it comes to scheduling posts or designing layouts for your Pinterest. My favorite tools that I use all the time are: Canva, UNUM, Unfold, Lightroom, Hype Type, Mailerlite and Hyperlapse. 

  • With Canva you can design all kinds of awesome layouts. I use it to make my Youtube headers, Infographics and invitations and Pinterest graphics.
  • UNUM I use for scheduling my posts and planning my gallery. It is very useful to see how your future feed will look like! 
  • I edit all my photos in Lightroom. This tool literally makes all the difference and you should invest your money in it. 
  • Hypetype, Hyperlapse and Unfold are great tools to pimp your Instastory 
  • Mailerlite: this is my email marketing provider which I use to create email lists 

There is another awesome blog post about this topic here

food blogger tools

Putting in the hours

Many people don’t see the work that goes behind producing high quality food pics and engaging posts on Instagram and our blogs. There are countless hours invested in the kitchen, preparing the dishes, the set, shooting the photo, editing it, writing amazing copy for the blog posts, putting the recipe together and then promoting the whole thing on our social channels. If you really want to become a food blogger you need to know that you also have to put in the effort and hours to make this successful! 

Food Blog Tips for Instagram Growth

To sum it up I am sharing with you my personal story of how I became I food blogger: 

If you want to stay up-to-date with all my food blogging tips you can sign up for my food blogging email list. I will be sending you a bundle of my best food blogging tips and tricks straight to your inbox <3 

I also have a full fletched food blogging online course that will teach you everything you need to know in order to become a food blogger and start getting your first company cooperations. Click here for more infos. 

Course for food bloggers




Inspirational Interview with Jess from Choosing Chia

Jess Inspirational Interview

Inspirational Interview with Jess from Choosing Chia

With this blog post I am starting my new blogging series: Inspirational interviews! I strongly believe in always thriving to learn more and improve upon oneself. I do this a lot by finding mentors and talking to experts in a specific niche. Through my inspirational interview series I am going to start speaking to some of the people that inspire me the most and share their valuable insights with you! 

Why Jess inspires me:

For my first inspirational interview I  talked to one of my biggest food blogging inspirations since day 1: Jessica Hoffman.
She is the beautiful face behind the vibrant food blog Choosing Chia. Jess is from Canada and such a lovely person inside and out. She was one of the first people I followed on Instagram and has been a huge inspiration ever since.

The photos you find on Choosing Chia are magnificent and I love the professional look and feel of everything Jess does. Jess grew her blog to 60.000 monthly sessions this year and is one of the few food bloggers, who shares her knowledge regarding how to grow a blog, work with Pinterest and gives photography tips. I recently attended her Food Blogging Bootcamp, which was a 4 week blogger course where she taught us everything about systems, workflows, SEO, social media marketing and monetization. 

It meant a lot to me to finally be able to sit down with her for an interview and ask Jess some important questions regarding food blogging, personal development and fitness. 

With Choosing Chia Jess shows her readers easy, yet delicious vegetarian recipes that focus on fresh ingredients. A lot of her recipes are plant-based and suitable for a clean eating diet. Have a look at Jess‘ Instagram account if you don’t know it already. 

Let’s jump into the interview. I divided it up into three different sections: food blogging, personal development and finally healthy lifestyle. 

Choosing Chia Interview

Talking about food blogging

How did you get into food blogging and why?

I grew up in a family where everyone loved to cook a lot. By the time I was 20 I really got into Yoga and did my yoga instructor certification in India. When I got back from my trip I realized how much I loved healthy, plant-based cooking and eating. That’s when I really started to get into blogging. 

I set up my blog in 2015, but was only posting sporadicly. Only after my trip to India in 2016 I really started to post constantly and grew my Choosing Chia blog ever since. 

How did you come up with your blog name Choosing Chia? 

I sat down and realized I need a name for the blog – something healthy. So, I set down with a pen and paper and a little note book. I started to write out different names and combination of words. Then I found the word chia, which I found could be cute and chia seeds were starting to become popular at the time. Then I tried to figure out what could sound good with that and then somehow found Choosing Chia. 


Looking at recipe development – how long does it take you from the first step into the kitchen until the uploaded post on your blog? 

These are the steps I usually take:

  • getting the groceries
  • recipe testing
  • making the final recipe
  • taking the photos
  • editing the photos
  • writing the blog post
  • uploading and publishing it

If I had to put an actual time on the whole process I would say at least 4 hours. It would be around one hour for recipe testing, another hour for the final recipe, an hour to shoot and edit the photo and another hour to prepare the blog post. I used to do this in one flow, but I recently started to do batch working more.

Instead of jumping from place to place I now started to batch work a lot more. So I will do recipe testing in one day, then I’ll take a nice cloudy day to shoot all of them, edit them on the next and finally write out the blog posts. So I can always be focused on one task. 


What is your favorite recipe out of all the ones you have created?

My banana cream pie chia pudding. I love the recipe, I love the photos, it really fits my brand and its simply so yummy. It’s my favorite chia pudding. 


What was your biggest blogging accomplishment so far?

I think it would have to be launching the food blogging bootcamp. Being at a place with my blog and business where I can teach other people and help them on their blogging journey to grow their blog. 

Now looking back at your blogging journey. What piece of advice would you have given your 21 year old self, when you started out blogging?

I would have to say having a process, system and schedule in place and sticking to it.

When I started out and would randomly post one week and then didn’t post anything for the next weeks I didn’t see any growth. Only once I started to get a content calendar, blocked off time in my schedule it made a big difference. If you really want to see growth and want to make something out of your blog you also have to block off time and make it a priority. It’s also less stressful, because you know when things are happening. 

You can check this blog post from Jess to sign up for a free content calendar template!



Finding out more about personal development

Would you mind sharing a little bit about your morning routine?

I start my day at 7 o’clock in the morning and have a coffee. Then I work out for an hour around 8 o’clock. Like a cardio or yoga workout or a combination of both. After the workout I like to meditate for 10 minutes.

Then I like to take the dog for a walk and finally get ready for the day and make my bed. I always make my bed in the morning. Then I have breakfast, I love to drink a green smoothie or have something nourishing, especially after working out in the morning. Then I sit down and start my workday around 9.30am. I just find it very important to exercise in the morning and get outside to get some fresh air. 


Who has inspired you in your life and why?

A person who has recently inspired me a lot is Marie Furleo. She puts her videos online every Tuesday, is a published author and does a lot of work with women. She has been a really big inspiration to me to turn my blog more into a business and branching out to do something like a bootcamp or start online courses. 

How important is reading to you and what’s your best book recommendation?

One of my favorite books is „you are a badass“ from Jen Sincero. It’s a great book for personal development and being a better, more successful and confident person. I also love to listen to audio books. I can cook and shoot my photos while listening. 


Who are your role models and why?

Jamie Oliver is someone I have always looked up to in the food industry who has really built his own food empire.

Ella from deliciouslyella inspires me as well. She is one of the first foodies that I have followed and who really built something for herself, beyond just having a food blog. She has products in grocery stores now and has built something really big with that. 

Jenna Kutcher who does online course creations. She is another female entrepreneur who built an empire out of nothing. She has the goal digger podcast. I listen to her podcast every week. 

And of course Marie Furleo, who I have already mentioned. 

What is the next big goal?

My biggest goal is to really grow the blog into a big platform where I can transform it into a whole community. I would love to launch an online course and eventually turn the bootcamp into an online course. I would love to put out the course for other people to grow their blog and get to the same place where I am today, or even surpass where I am today. 

Speaking of health and well-being

Being a blogger means to be very connected all the time. Do you ever take off time from social media?

I started doing digital detox more this year. I feel so much more recharged when I take a social media break. Sometimes I try to implement it more and take at least 48 hours (or a weekend) off. No Instagram, no email, no checking the Choosing Chia blog.

When I do it I feel so much more recharged and energetic not looking at my phone for a period of time and simply taking in the moment. It is definitely something I would recommend for everyone to do. Especially if you want to make it your full time job. Taking breaks and recharging is equally important as working. 


How do you keep a balanced lifestyle and take care of your body and health?

I always make sure to take time to exercise. (at least 5 times a week) Sometimes it’s also just yoga or a long walk with the dog. It’s important to me to stay physically active. I make sure to eat overall healthy and have green smoothies, vegetables and salads, but then also indulge in ice cream and french fries if I want to. I think finding that balance is important. I’m not saying to myself that any foods are off limits.

I simply try to overall eat healthy and be active. I actually block that time off in my calendar. Having time on the weekend to do things I love also helps me to stay balanced. 

This was my inspirational interview with Jess. I hope you really loved this interview with Jess from Choosing Chia and learned some things along the way. It was such an honor to interview her and Jess is really such an inspiration! Make sure to check her social channels and blog for more inspiration! 

Are you looking for more helpful food blogging content? Check some of my other blog posts concerning this topic: 

Let me know in the comments if you like this new inspirational interview series and if you have any suggestions on who to interview next!

