Stuffed Avocado – Israeli Style

Stuffed Avocado Salad Israeli Style

Today I wanted to show you a healthy stuffed avocado recipe. Something savory for a change! 
Avocado is simply such a wonderful invention. There are so many different things to make with it. 

To start off this is actually a vegetarian stuffed avocado version. Now that I think of it, it is actually completely vegan! As I am writing this it is actually World Vegan Day. So what a perfect coincidence for such a healthy recipe. 

Stuffed Avocado Salad Israeli Style

My inspiration for this recipe

I got inspired for this recipe on my trip to Tel Aviv, Israel last year. We ate a lot of the famous typical salad there! Israeli salad is a chopped salad of finely diced tomato, onion, cucumber, and bell or chili peppers. It has been described as the „most well-known national dish of Israel“, and is a standard accompaniment to most Israeli meals. What I really love about this salad is the unique Cilantro taste. You will learn how to make it in a bit. It is super easy and inexpensive to make. 
Since I am here in Panama now and there are avocados around every corner I wanted to try this recipe with a slightly new twist. I know there are a lot of bakes stuffed avocado recipes, but I have tried baking them and honestly I am just not the biggest fan of it. So I came up with this salad dish thats perfect for a side of your lunch or dinner. 

Israeli Salad 

First we start by making the salad. You really just need a couple of very basic veggies. The only exotic ingredient you need – and that is a must for this recipe – is the Cilantro. Because of this it gives the salad this very specific aroma! 

Stuffed Avocado Salad Israeli Style

Next you take your veggies and chop them up super thin. Little cubes work best for the tomatoes and peppers. I used an orange and a yellow pepper because like this I got so many different colors for the salad. To be honest I am not sure why, but I somehow forgot to put the cucumber on the picture. Therefore, you will also need a cucumber! 

Stuffed Avocado Salad Israeli Style

Once you chopped up everything and have a nice rainbow of colors you can throw them all together into a big bowl and mix them up. After that it is time to season your salad. This is super simple, since the Cilantro will give it most of its taste. Finely chop up the Cilantro and mix under the veggies. Next take the juice of a lime and mix again well. Add salt and pepper and ready is your Israeli salad. 

Stuffed Avocado Salad Israeli Style

The rest is pretty simple. Take your avocado and carefully cut it in half. Take out the big seed. With a spoon take out a bit more of its flesh to fit more of the salad in there. Now fill it up with your Israeli salad and its all ready to be served. As simple as that 🙂 
Now I know you will be left with a lot more salad than you can fit into the avocado. They avocado really just serves as the eye catcher. You can always fill it up again with the remaining salad or just keep snacking out of the bowl! 

Stuffed Avocado Salad Israeli Style

Fitness Food

Most importantly the recipe is really healthy. It is filled with so many important vitamins for you and on top of that totally low carb. This is even a keto stuffed avocado recipe! If you eat this with some chicken breast it is the perfect fitness meal. Just be careful with the avocado as it obviously does have a lot of fat. Healthy fat though 🙂 

I really hope you enjoyed this savory recipe. If you are looking for another great low carb recipe I can really recommend my zucchini pasta. In case you are in the mood for something sweet why not check out my carrot cake bars. Also you can hit up my YouTube for more recipe videos. 

Stuffed Avocado Salad Recipe


Stuffed Avocado Salad Israeli Style

Stuffed Avocado Salad - Israeli Style
Yields 2
A low carb salad.
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Prep Time
15 min
Prep Time
15 min
  1. 1/2 red pepper
  2. 1/2 orange pepper
  3. 1/2 cucumber
  4. 1 onion
  5. 1 big tomato
  6. 1 lime
  7. 1 avocado
  8. Salt & pepper
  9. Cilantro
  1. Chop up all the veggies into little cubes.
  2. Mix together in a bowl.
  3. Squeeze the juice of one lime and add to the salad.
  4. Chop the Cilantro and add to the salad.
  5. Season with salt and pepper, mix well again.
  6. Cut the avocado in half and take out the seed.
  7. Fill the hole with the Israeli salad.
  1. You will be left with quite some salad, since you won't be able to stuff it all inside the avocado.

Did you make this recipe? 

Did you make this recipe?

Tag  @carina_berry and use the Hashtag #carinaberry to get the possibility for a shoutout on my Instagram! 

Finally, I always love to see your wonderful creations and it makes me so happy to see you guys actually making my recipes. 



Summer Barbecue Shrimp Recipe

Summer Barbecue Recipe

Celebrating Summer

What I love most about the summer is the wonderful barbecue season! It is so easy to eat healthy and not miss out on the tasty barbecue goods. You guys asked me to make more savory recipes, therefore I would like to share two of my new go-to low carb barbecue recipes with you. 

I discovered shrimps to be the ultimate hit regarding the perfect summer barbecue. So, I experimented a bit with different shrimp variations, also pairing it up with pineapple in my second recipe. 

May this summer celebrate slow, delicious, lazy days and simplified living. Let’s read long books, stay up late drinking wine with friends and stroll our local farmers markets, slowing life down enough to taste its sweetness. Here is to backyard bungalow get-togethers, shrimp barbecues, long sunsets, beach picnics and getting back to nature! 

barbecue summer bowl shrimp salad

Summer Barbecue Bowl 

This bowl is a delicious compilation of my favorite summer food. Tomatoes and cucumber straight from the garden. Crispy sweet potato fries, tasty avocado  and protein packed shrimp! 

This is what you need for this unique salad bowl: 

  • 100g of shrimp
  • 100g of tomato
  • 1 cucumber
  • 50g of greek yoghurt 
  • 200g of sweet potato 
  • clove of garlic
  • 1/2 avocado 
  • salt & pepper
  • balsamic and olive oil 
  • rosemary, thyme, marjoram
  • 2 wooden skewers 

Method: Cut the sweet potato in rectangular fries and place in a bowl. Marinate with olive oil, salt, pepper, thyme, marjoram and rosemary. Put aside. Place the shrimp into another bowl and marinate the same way. Put the garlic clove into a press and mix with the greek yoghurt and some salt. Put aside. Put the the shrimp onto wooden skewers and place them together with the sweet potatoes on the barbecue grill. Wait until the have the typical barbecue pattern and are done. In a bowl spiralize the cucumber and marinate with olive oil, balsamic, salt & pepper. Put into a nice bowl and decorate with cocktail tomatoes, half an avocado (sprinkled with sesame or chia seeds). Now place some of the sweet potato fries and greek yoghurt mix on it. Finally top with two shrimp skewers and serve while still warm. 

Summer Barbecue Recipe

Pineapple Barbecue Shrimp Skewers

Okay I admit this is a crazy creation I very spontaneously made up when I had leftover pineapple sitting in my fridge. Usually I am not the biggest fan of combining sweet and sour taste into one dish, but this one is actually pretty great and I was surprised myself! 


  • 200g pineapple 
  • 100g shrimp 
  • 100ml water
  • 1 tbsp of honey 
  • pinch of salt 
  • 1 lemon 
  • some rosemary 
  • wooden skewers


Cut the pineapple into nice rectangular pieces. Dissolve the honey with some water and at the juice of a lemon. Add a pinch of salt. Let the shrimp and pineapple soak in it for about 15 minutes. Take some wooden skewers and put alternating pineapple and shrimp on it.  Place skewers onto a barbecue grill until well done on both sides. Cut rosemary into small pieces and sprinkle over the skewers. Serve while still warm.  

Pineapple Shrimp Barbecue Skewer

I hope you enjoyed these recipes 🙂 For the perfect side salads check out this blogpost here. Also, here is my dessert suggestion to round up the night. For more recipe you can also check my Youtube channel

Happy start into your summer season!



Cucumber Summer Salads

Cucumber Feta Salad

I absolutely love summer for being able to eat the most amazing and creative salad creations. It is just so refreshing and healthy! Lately I have been experimenting with cucumbers, as I feel like their neutral taste lets them mix perfectly with all kinds of different things. Thats why I came up with this delicious cucumber summer salad! 

In this blog post you will find two of my new and favorite cucumber salad creations. They are both so extremely easy and fast to make, look beautiful and taste delicious. 

Cucumber Summer Salad

I found feta cheese to harmonize perfectly with the subtle sweet cucumber taste. This creation is the perfect summer salad and the perfect addition to every lunch and dinner meal. All you need is a cucumber, some feta and tomatoes. I used a spiralizer to make cucumber pasta – works amazingly well! 

Make sure to let the cucumber noodles sit for 15 minutes because they will loose a lot of water. Drain the noodles and mix them with tomatoes and feta. 

Regarding the dressing I always used simple balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper. 

Cucumber Feta Salad

Cucumber Melon Salad

The second cucumber salad variation is very similar to the first one. The only difference this time is that I replaced the tomatoes with watermelon. I found this combination of sweet watermelon and tart feta cheese to taste extremely delicious. This is really the perfect summer salad with its tropical vibes and sweet taste.

Now with the barbecue season this is really the perfect side dish to impress your friends with! Definitely something different and I think they would love it. So make sure to give it a try!

Again all I did was mix 1 cucumber with 50g of Feta cheese and 100g of watermelon. Dressing was: white balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper. 

Feta Watermelon Cucumber Salad

I hope you enjoyed these light summery cucumber creations and will try making them yourself soon. 

Tag @carinaberry on Instagram and hashtag it #carinaberry

I’ll always be giving shoutouts on my Instastory for those who are making my recipes. <3

