Overnight oats with yoghurt and carrots

Overnight Oats with Carrots

Overnight oats – the perfect, easy and super quick breakfast recipe for a healthy start into the day! 

On-the-go breakfast 

What I love about these healthy overnight oats is that you can prepare them already the day before and simply need to take them out of the fridge the next morning and off you go. That is why this recipe is perfect for an on-the-go breakfast. You can carry it with you in a nice glass jar and eat it on your way to work or university. 

 overnight oats with yoghurt

Overnight Oats Variation

The basic overnight oats recipe can be adapted in different directions, depending on your liking, season and flavor cravings that special day. In todays recipe I am showing you a delicious variation of overnight oats with yoghurt and carrots. I like the carrots because I feel they fit perfectly to the fall harvest. The yoghurt just gives it a nice soft texture. If you can make these overnight oats with greek yoghurt. It has a thicker consistency which makes the taste experience even better in my opinion. 

You will see these simple overnight oats will melt your heart and give you a nice reason to wake up to delicious breakfast in the morning. 

Vegan options

So this basic oat recipe is actually perfectly suited for vegans. You can make this 100% vegan my replacing normal milk with almond/rice/oat or any other kind of alternative milk. The greek yoghurt can be substituted for coconut or soy yoghurt and it will work just as fine. You know how much I like to add protein powder to my recipes. Also here there are so many different vegan options for you. I love to use sunflower seed protein or hemp protein. Moreover, rice protein also works really nice. 

overnight oats with yoghurt

Filled with complex carbs 

I love to use oats for my recipe because they are made out of a lot of complex carbs. These will slowly release energy for your body to use over a longer period of time than for example just a plain wheat breakfast roll. Oats are actually gluten-free and a great source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. they also have quite a high amount of fiber, which is always good for your digestion. 
Oats really are one of my favorite fitness food ingredients and I make almost all my breakfast dishes with them. 

Overnight oats with yoghurt
Serves 1
A quick but healthy on-the-go breakfast.
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Total Time
15 min
Total Time
15 min
  1. 30g oats
  2. 100ml milk (vegans use milk alternative)
  3. 100g greek yoghurt 0% (vegans use coconut/soy yoghurt)
  4. 25g protein (vegans use rice/soy/hemp/sunflower protein)
  5. 1tbsp grated coconut
  6. 1 grated carrot
  7. 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  8. 15g Erythrit or Xylit or Honey
  1. Mix everything together in a bowl and stir well.
  2. Put the jar into the fridge.
  3. Let soak in the fridge overnight.
carinaberry.com https://carinaberry.com/
Overnight oats with yoghurt

If you are interested in more healthy breakfast recipes you can check out my pancakes made out of oat flour or the vegan version of them. I also recommend you to check my YouTube channel for more healthy recipe videos. 

Did you make this recipe? 

Did you make this recipe?

Tag  @carina_berry and use the Hashtag #carinaberry to get the possibility for a shoutout on my Instagram! 

Finally, I always love to see your wonderful creations and it makes me so happy to see you guys actually making my recipes. 


Pumpkin Porridge – healthy and vegan

Pumpkin Porridge

Pumpkin porridge for the fall season! Sweet and creamy with just a couple ingredients, totally vegan and ready in 15 minutes!

Bye summer, hello fall

Alright guys we have to admit it. Summer is over. Bye, bye see you next year. Time to bring out those cosy socks, warm sweaters, cool leather jackets and nice boots for the colder season of the year. 

With this post I want to share one of my favorite fall recipes. You might not know this but I have a secret pumpkin obsession. During October and November almost every meal includes some kind of pumpkin. Also my breakfast. Since I absolutely looove this recipe I had to share it with you in a dedicated blog post. This pumpkin porridge is so creamy and warming. 

Spiced Pumpkin Porridge

Fitness Pumpkin Porridge Variations 

If you would like to add some extra protein this is the perfect opportunity to mix in an extra scoop of your favorite protein. I can recommend using vanilla, but chocolate is also super yummy! 
For vegan fitness versions of this pumpkin porridge I have used hemp protein and sunflower protein in the past and it was also super tasty. Only the hemp protein gave it a slightly different taste than it usually has. 

Pumpkin Porridge Toppings

Since this is a hearty and smooth fall composition I would recommend topping it with fall fruit like pears or apples.
I would also prefer slightly simmered apples or pears instead of raw ones. Like this the flavors evolve better and if you add some cinnamon and honey its just the perfect topping.
When I make it I usually use nut butter as well which adds so much extra delicious flavor to the pumpkin porridge . In the pictures you see peanut butter I put on top of the yummy bowl. I also really like cashew butter, but that didn’t came out so well on the picture 😉  
Another topping I can recommend are nuts. I used very special red nuts that my grandma has in her garden. But regular walnuts, pecans or almonds will do as well. 

Spiced Pumpkin Porridge

The ingredients

For this easy pumpkin porridge you will just need a handful of ingredients. 
It is super easy to make and will take you only 15 minutes. 
Regarding the type of pumpkin I only have made it with Hokaido. I like to use this kind of pumpkin because of the beautiful orange color. I am sure the other ones will work fine too. 
As I usually do I substituted regular refined sugar with Erythrit again to save quite a bit of calories. If you don’t have that at home you can use honey or regular sugar or Xylit.

Pumpkin Porridge

I hope you will find great use of this recipe this fall season. I can promise you its worth a try for every pumpkin lover out there!

Pumpkin Porridge
Serves 1
A smooth and creamy breakfast for the fall season
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Total Time
15 min
Total Time
15 min
  1. 100ml almond milk
  2. 20g oat flour
  3. 50g pumpkin puree
  4. 20g erythrit or xylit
  5. 1 tsp of pumpkin spice
  6. 1/2 scoop of protein powder
  7. nut butter
  8. apples or pears for topping
  1. In a pot boil the oats in milk under consistent stirring.
  2. Once thickened add in the pumpkin purree, sweetener of choice, protein powder and pumpkin spice.
  3. Stir until well combined.
  4. Put in a bowl and top with nut butter of choice and apples or pears.
  1. Make double the portion if you are really hungry 😉
carinaberry.com https://carinaberry.com/
Are you looking for more vegan and healthy breakfast recipes? Have you seen my vegan breakfast waffles without sugar? If not check them out here

If you are looking for more recipes and photo inspiration you always have the chance to check my Instagram @carina_berry

Did you make this recipe? 

Did you make this recipe?

Tag #carinaberry and get the possibility for a shoutout on my Instagram! 

Finally, I always love to see your wonderful creations and it makes me so happy to see you guys actually making my recipes. 




AdeZ und Frühstück

Ende Mai war ich in Mailand für den großen Produktlaunch von AdeZ – vegane Drinks auf Pflanzenbasis, ohne Zuckerzusatz.*Werbung* 
Viele haben bestimmt in letzter Zeit die Plakate der neuen Produkte in der Stadt gesehen und die schönen Flaschen vielleicht sogar schon im Supermarktregal entdeckt. Als stolzer AdeZ Ambassador habe ich heute das große Vergnügen euch die Produkte ein bisschen näher vorzustellen und ein herrlich saisonales Frühstücksrezept mit euch zu teilen!

AdeZ Pflanzendrinks

5 AdeZ Drinks in Österreich

Das exklusive Launch-Event in Mailand fand in einer italienischen Villa statt. Hier begab man sich auf eine Reise durch die verschiedenen Räume in welchen jeweils ein Produkt vorgestellt wurde. In Österreich sind im Moment Rockin’ Rice, Surprising Soy und Amazing Almond erhältlich, sowie die kleinen On-the-go Drinks. Diese handlichen 250ml Drinks sind in den Geschmäckern „Outstanding Oat Strawberry & Banana” sowie “Amazing Almond Mango & AdeZ_AT_Family_Passionfruit“ erhältlich. Outstanding Oat Strawberry & Banana” hat den Haferdrink als Basis und  “Amazing Almond Mango & Passionfruit“ den Mandeldrink. Beide sind mit leckerem Fruchtsaft/-püree verfeinert. Ich verwende die on-the-go Drinks gerne als Snack für Zwischendurch wenn der kleine Hunger aufkommt.

Perfekt zum Frühstück

Dieser Blogpost widmet sich vor allem meiner Frühstücksliebe. Für mich ist Frühstück die meist zelebrierte Mahlzeit des Tages und hier sind die Produkte von AdeZ eine wahre Bereicherung. Ich habe schon seit langem aufgehört normale Milch zu trinken und greife seit Jahren auf alternative Pflanzendrinks zurück. Hier nehme ich natürlich immer die zuckerfreien Varianten. Jedoch muss ich auch ganz ehrlich anmerken, dass ein zuckerfreier Mandeldrink oder Sojadrink einfach nur halb so gut schmeckt wie die zuckerhaltigen Alternativen, die natürlich auch weitaus mehr Kalorien haben. AdeZ vereint nun beide mir wichtigen Aspekte. Die Drinks sind nämlich ohne zugesetzten Zucker, schmecken aber trotzdem durch das natürliche Stevia leicht süß! Bezüglich dem Stevia muss ich auch sagen, dass ich total positiv überrascht war, da es überhaupt nicht künstlich oder bitter schmeckt, wie man es sonst bei manchen Produkten kennt. Diese süße Tatsache macht die Produkte natürlich perfekt für jegliche Frühstückskreationen. Man spart sich also den extra Zucker, Honig oder was ihr sonst so zum Süßen verwenden würdet. Porridge, Waffeln, Pancakes und Chia Pudding bekommen so ganz von selbst einen dezent süßen Geschmack! Außerdem sind die AdeZ Plain Drinks (Rockin’ Rice, Surprising Soy & Amazing Almond) laktosefrei und enthalten Kalzium, Vitamin D und B12. 

Mit AdeZ kann man die selben wichtigen Vitamine und Mineralstoffe aufnehmen wie durch Milch. AdeZ enthält nämlich genau denselben Gehalt an Kalzium wie Kuhmilch. Super geeignet also für eine vegane Ernährung. Adez Rice Drink

PlantbottleTM für weniger Müll

Etwas tolles muss ich euch jetzt noch bezüglich der Flasche erzählen. Ich stehe ja Plastikflaschen unglaublich kritisch gegenüber und setze im Moment alles daran meinen eigenen Plastikmüll so gut es geht zu reduzieren. Die Flasche von AdeZ ist eine PlantBottleTM. Sie besteht bis zu 30% aus pflanzlichem Material und ist zu 100% recyclebar! Die PlantBottleTM ist umweltfreundlicher als Tetrapack. Kein extra Plastikmüll also 🙂


In den nächsten Monaten möchte ich euch alle Pflanzendrinks vorstellen und leckere Rezepte für euch damit kreieren. Heute starten wir mit Surprising Soy – dem Sojadrink von AdeZ. Mit

seinem super natürlichen und cremigen Geschmack ist er viel milder als die meisten Alternativen die ich kenne.

Hierfür habe ich speziell ein saisonales Rezept entwickelt. Wie ihr vielleicht wisst ist bei mir in der Wachau gerade Marillenzeit und unsere Bäume biegen sich vom Gewicht der süßen Früchte. Ein super Anlass um ganz regional ein leckeres Frühstücksrezept zu zaubern. Ich habe auch darauf geachtet, dass es wirklich einfach zu machen ist, damit es wirklich jeder nachmachen kann.

Ich zeige euch heute ein Marillenparfait, welches aus drei einfachen Teilen besteht. Das ganze dauert etwa 10 Minuten zum Zubereiten und schmeckt absolut herrlich!

Adez Recipe

Hier das Rezept:

150ml AdeZ Surprising Soy
30g Haferflocken
1 Messerspitze Zimt
30g Xylit ( alternativ 1 EL Honig oder Agaven Dicksaft) 100g Marillen
100g griechisches Joghurt
20g Toasted Granola


AdeZ Surprising Soy aufkochen und mit den Haferflocken verrühren bis ein fester Brei entsteht. Zimt unterrühren. Das Joghurt mit Xylit vermischen und beiseite stellen. Die Marillen klein schneiden und in ein leeres Glas füllen. Die Haferflockenmasse nun darüber leeren und mit griechisches Joghurt auffüllen. Mit weiteren Marillen und dem toasted Granola dekorieren.

Apricot breakfast recipe

Wenn ihr das Rezept selbst ausprobiert tagt doch @adezaustria. Vielleicht werdet ihr damit auf der Instagramseite gerepostet 🙂



Berry Protein Pancakes Recipe


Protein Pancakes – what a delicious way to start the day!

Skip the flour, sugar and butter and replace it with an extra dose of healthy protein. I use this recipe so many times for weekend brunches and birthday pancake morning surprises. No matter what the occasion these protein pancakes will always make an impression and will let you enjoy a guilt-free breakfast!

Protein Pancakes

What most people don’t know that you can actually use whey protein powder for cooking and baking! I make the most wonderful recipes with it. You leave out the high calorie flour and replace it with protein powder. Perfect for protein pancakes! 

A little pancake making secret

Like most of my recipes it is very easy to make as you are basically just throwing things together in a bowl and blending it until you have a smooth dough. My one and only most important tip for you guys is to make SMALL pancakes! As the dough is simply not as strong and dense as a normal pancake dough you need to be more careful when flipping them. Making big pancakes will not work. The smaller the better 😉 I can also recommend using an empty ketchup bottle. Fill the dough inside the bottle and like this you can make perfectly round pancakes.

Protein Pancakes

Choosing your toppings

Regarding topping you can use everything your hearth desires. I like to mix greek yoghurt with a bit more protein powder and top it with fresh berries. For the berry pancakes in this blogpost I also used sugar free strawberry jam and white almond butter for topping. This obviously adds extra calories, but also makes it extra tasty 😀 

Protein Pancakes

The recipe

Now lets not keep you waiting for much longer. Here is the recipe: 

Berry Protein Pancakes
Serves 3
The perfect weekend brunch dish!
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Total Time
15 min
Total Time
15 min
  1. 30g vanilla protein powder
  2. 1 large ripe banana
  3. ⅛ tsp. cinnamon
  4. ¼ tsp. baking powder
  5. 2 tsp. greek yoghurt
  6. 2 tsp. coconut flour
  7. 2 eggs
  1. 100g greek yoghurt 0%
  2. 20g whey protein
  3. sugarfree raspberry jam
  4. almond butter
  1. Separate the eggs and fluff the egg whites.
  2. Blend the banana with the greek yoghurt and the egg yolks until smooth. Stir in the remaining ingredients. Now fold in the egg whites until well combined.
  3. Heat up a pan and fry little pancakes until golden brown.
  4. Mix the greek yoghurt for the topping with the protein powder and top the pancakes with it.
  5. Decorate with fresh berries, almond butter and sugar free raspberry jam.
  1. Make sure to make small pancakes. It is easier to flip them.
carinaberry.com https://carinaberry.com/

Did you make this recipe?

Tag #carinaberry and get the possibility for a shoutout on my Instagram! 
