Easy Tom Kha Gai soup – authentic Thai recipe!

Whats better than a warming and comforting Thai soup in the cold winter months? Try this fool proof Tom Kha Gai soup if you are looking for an easy, yet delicious recipe! This is also a great dish if you are on a low carb diet, vegetarian or vegan.

I love this dish because it is very easy to prepare, tastes delicious and does not have too many calories. It contains all the more vitamins from the fresh vegetables and natural fats from the coconut milk. In the summer I attended a cooking course in Austria and I have been making the Tom Kha Gai soup so many times ever since. Over the last year I spent a lot of time in Asia and have developed a passion for Asian food. This soup really resonates with my taste in food as it combines powerful herbs and spices into an explosion of flavors. 

My boyfriend and family are already big fans of this soup. My dad even said it was the best meal he ever had in our house. Which really says a lot, because my dad is a real food lover and gourmet!

Tom Kha Gai Soup

Cut and boil

Making the soup is really uncomplicated. You only need to cut all the ingredients. Getting some of them can be tricky though depending on where you live. Right now I am in Bali and the ingredients for the soup are locally grown so they are available in all the supermarkets and very cheap. When I was making the soup in Austria I actually had to go to the bigger, better stocked supermarkets to find what I need for the Tom Kha Gai soup and had to pay a lot more for the tropical ingredients like cilantro, lemongrass and lime. 

Once you have it all you simply chop the veggies. You start boiling those that need the longest to be done and only in the end add the sweet peas. Make sure to not boil the sweet snow pea for too long. Like the carrots they taste better if they are still crunchy. 

Tom Kha Gai Soup how to make it
© Maximilian Röder | Warda Network

What to put on your soup

Regarding toppings there are a lot of different options making this Tom Kha Gai soup even more special and unique. If you are vegan or vegetarian you might want to dice some tofu and fry it for topping. If you are looking for extra lean protein why not add some chicken or shrimp? Last but not least the soup tastes even better if you sprinkle some chopped peanuts and cilantro over it. Add a dash of lime juice and it is ready to be enjoyed! 

Tom Kha Gai soup

Tom Kha Gai Soup Recipe

Here is the full recipe for the soup: 

Tom Kha Gai soup

An easy Asian lunch recipe.
Gericht Main Course
Keyword soup, thai, tom kha gai
Vorbereitungszeit 15 Minuten
Zubereitungszeit 10 Minuten
Portionen 5 People
Kalorien 350 kcal


  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 400 ml Organic Coconut Milk
  • 2 tablespoons of sesame oil
  • 400 ml fish or poultry broth
  • 2 shallots
  • 1 small piece of ginger
  • 2 bars of lemongrass
  • 1 handful of Shiitake mushrooms
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 Pak Choi
  • 1 handful of mangetouts
  • 1 handful of Mungo bean seedlings


  • 1 lime
  • 1 handful of freshly chopped cilantro
  • 100 g cooked shrimps or tofu or chicken
  • 1 handful chopped peanuts


  1. Finely chop the shallots, garlic and ginger.
  2. Wash the lemon grass, remove the dry upper third and cut the bars into 4 cm long pieces and gently press flat with the back of the knife so that the aroma substances can escape.
  3. Quarter the mushrooms, halve the pea pods and cut the peeled carrot into thin ​​slices. (sideways)

  4. Simmer the shallots, garlic and ginger in a hot saucepan with oil until colorless, add soup stock and coconut milk.

  5. Add the lemon grass and simmer the carrot slices.
  6. Add mushrooms and pea pods and let them soak for a few minutes.
  7. Serve on the plate with cilantro, peanuts and a quarter of lime.

  8. Tip: You can make the soup with chicken or shrimp into a real protein bowl, or just eat it with vegetables and tofu as a vegan dish.

If you enjoy this recipe I am certain you will also want to try my chicken curry soup and chicken tikka masala recipe! Go and check them out 🙂

Did you know I have a clean eating shopping list that you can sign up for? It will get delivered straight to your inbox and will make going grocery shopping for fitness food much easier!

Here is also my YouTube video where I am making this soup on a full day of eating, featuring intermittent fasting: 

Did you make this recipe?

Did you make this recipe?

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I always love to see your wonderful creations and it makes me so happy to see you guys actually making my recipes. 


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