Try This Raw Vegan Cashew Cheesecake


Have you ever tried raw vegan cheesecake? Most people think that raw food can’t possibly taste great. Raw and vegan?! Well that has to be horrible than right?! This is absolutely not the case with this delicious, creamy and tasty raw vegan cashew cheesecake!


Why do I share a raw vegan recipe this time?

I took part in a blogger event this week and learnt that on August 2nd 2018 we had the Earth Overshoot Day. This is the day that we have used up more resources than the planet can regenerate in one year. This really made me realize how terrible we are treating our environment. Each year this day is coming earlier and we are already using 1.7 Earths right now! I believe we ALL need to do something against this. I think it can already be small steps that all of us take that will make a big difference. These could be better choices regarding the food you eat, the way you live, the waste you produce and the way you care about the environment. 

Personally, I decided to introduce one vegan day of the week! Most carbone dioxide emissions come from animal production. By giving up meat and dairy products for a day I can already reduce my personal animal product consumption. To be honest, I am yet not totally able to give up meat and dairy completely, but already one day of the week will make a difference! 
And that is why I am especially sharing a raw vegan recipe this time!


Raw Vegan Cashew Cheesecake Recipe 

The recipe itself is super easy, like most of the recipes I share here. It basically consists of throwing stuff into a blender. So no cooking skills needed here 🙂 

The crust recipe is actually from my lovely food blogging friend @foodie.yuki , who I definitely need to give credits here for her AMAZING crust recipe! 

The filling I made up myself and you wont need more than 3 ingredients to make it and trust me you will fall in love with the marvelous creamy texture it has <3 

I recommend you already soak the cashews overnight to have them ready in the morning for your raw vegan cheesecake. The whole recipe will take around 30 min. So lets jump right in: 

Raw Vegan Cashew Cheesecake
Serves 1
A delicious, creamy recipe without any sugar, dairy or flour!
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Total Time
30 min
Total Time
30 min
  1. Crust
  2. 340g chopped almonds
  3. 170g oats
  4. 1 TBSP almond butter
  5. 9 dates, pitted and chopped
  6. 1 TBSP water
  7. Filling
  8. 200g cashew nuts (soaked overnight)
  9. 200ml coconut milk
  10. 70g Xylit
  11. zest of half a lemon
  1. Starting with the crust put all the ingredients into a food processor and mix well. Press the sticky mixture onto a tart form and put it into the refrigerator while working on the filling.
  2. For the filling put all the ingredients again in the food processor and mix until well combined. Then transfer the batter into the tart form and brush out evenly to the edges.
  3. Put the cheesecake back into the refrigerator for another 2 hours.
  1. Best when served cold.
Adapted from Crust by @foodie.yuki
Adapted from Crust by @foodie.yuki

If you are interested in more vegan cheesecake recipes? Check out my vegan rhubarb summer cake here

If you make this recipe and want to share it on your Instagram make sure to tag me in the photo and use the #carinaberry. I am always featuring posts on my story!



AdeZ und Frühstück

Ende Mai war ich in Mailand für den großen Produktlaunch von AdeZ – vegane Drinks auf Pflanzenbasis, ohne Zuckerzusatz.*Werbung* 
Viele haben bestimmt in letzter Zeit die Plakate der neuen Produkte in der Stadt gesehen und die schönen Flaschen vielleicht sogar schon im Supermarktregal entdeckt. Als stolzer AdeZ Ambassador habe ich heute das große Vergnügen euch die Produkte ein bisschen näher vorzustellen und ein herrlich saisonales Frühstücksrezept mit euch zu teilen!

AdeZ Pflanzendrinks

5 AdeZ Drinks in Österreich

Das exklusive Launch-Event in Mailand fand in einer italienischen Villa statt. Hier begab man sich auf eine Reise durch die verschiedenen Räume in welchen jeweils ein Produkt vorgestellt wurde. In Österreich sind im Moment Rockin’ Rice, Surprising Soy und Amazing Almond erhältlich, sowie die kleinen On-the-go Drinks. Diese handlichen 250ml Drinks sind in den Geschmäckern „Outstanding Oat Strawberry & Banana” sowie “Amazing Almond Mango & AdeZ_AT_Family_Passionfruit“ erhältlich. Outstanding Oat Strawberry & Banana” hat den Haferdrink als Basis und  “Amazing Almond Mango & Passionfruit“ den Mandeldrink. Beide sind mit leckerem Fruchtsaft/-püree verfeinert. Ich verwende die on-the-go Drinks gerne als Snack für Zwischendurch wenn der kleine Hunger aufkommt.

Perfekt zum Frühstück

Dieser Blogpost widmet sich vor allem meiner Frühstücksliebe. Für mich ist Frühstück die meist zelebrierte Mahlzeit des Tages und hier sind die Produkte von AdeZ eine wahre Bereicherung. Ich habe schon seit langem aufgehört normale Milch zu trinken und greife seit Jahren auf alternative Pflanzendrinks zurück. Hier nehme ich natürlich immer die zuckerfreien Varianten. Jedoch muss ich auch ganz ehrlich anmerken, dass ein zuckerfreier Mandeldrink oder Sojadrink einfach nur halb so gut schmeckt wie die zuckerhaltigen Alternativen, die natürlich auch weitaus mehr Kalorien haben. AdeZ vereint nun beide mir wichtigen Aspekte. Die Drinks sind nämlich ohne zugesetzten Zucker, schmecken aber trotzdem durch das natürliche Stevia leicht süß! Bezüglich dem Stevia muss ich auch sagen, dass ich total positiv überrascht war, da es überhaupt nicht künstlich oder bitter schmeckt, wie man es sonst bei manchen Produkten kennt. Diese süße Tatsache macht die Produkte natürlich perfekt für jegliche Frühstückskreationen. Man spart sich also den extra Zucker, Honig oder was ihr sonst so zum Süßen verwenden würdet. Porridge, Waffeln, Pancakes und Chia Pudding bekommen so ganz von selbst einen dezent süßen Geschmack! Außerdem sind die AdeZ Plain Drinks (Rockin’ Rice, Surprising Soy & Amazing Almond) laktosefrei und enthalten Kalzium, Vitamin D und B12. 

Mit AdeZ kann man die selben wichtigen Vitamine und Mineralstoffe aufnehmen wie durch Milch. AdeZ enthält nämlich genau denselben Gehalt an Kalzium wie Kuhmilch. Super geeignet also für eine vegane Ernährung. Adez Rice Drink

PlantbottleTM für weniger Müll

Etwas tolles muss ich euch jetzt noch bezüglich der Flasche erzählen. Ich stehe ja Plastikflaschen unglaublich kritisch gegenüber und setze im Moment alles daran meinen eigenen Plastikmüll so gut es geht zu reduzieren. Die Flasche von AdeZ ist eine PlantBottleTM. Sie besteht bis zu 30% aus pflanzlichem Material und ist zu 100% recyclebar! Die PlantBottleTM ist umweltfreundlicher als Tetrapack. Kein extra Plastikmüll also 🙂


In den nächsten Monaten möchte ich euch alle Pflanzendrinks vorstellen und leckere Rezepte für euch damit kreieren. Heute starten wir mit Surprising Soy – dem Sojadrink von AdeZ. Mit

seinem super natürlichen und cremigen Geschmack ist er viel milder als die meisten Alternativen die ich kenne.

Hierfür habe ich speziell ein saisonales Rezept entwickelt. Wie ihr vielleicht wisst ist bei mir in der Wachau gerade Marillenzeit und unsere Bäume biegen sich vom Gewicht der süßen Früchte. Ein super Anlass um ganz regional ein leckeres Frühstücksrezept zu zaubern. Ich habe auch darauf geachtet, dass es wirklich einfach zu machen ist, damit es wirklich jeder nachmachen kann.

Ich zeige euch heute ein Marillenparfait, welches aus drei einfachen Teilen besteht. Das ganze dauert etwa 10 Minuten zum Zubereiten und schmeckt absolut herrlich!

Adez Recipe

Hier das Rezept:

150ml AdeZ Surprising Soy
30g Haferflocken
1 Messerspitze Zimt
30g Xylit ( alternativ 1 EL Honig oder Agaven Dicksaft) 100g Marillen
100g griechisches Joghurt
20g Toasted Granola


AdeZ Surprising Soy aufkochen und mit den Haferflocken verrühren bis ein fester Brei entsteht. Zimt unterrühren. Das Joghurt mit Xylit vermischen und beiseite stellen. Die Marillen klein schneiden und in ein leeres Glas füllen. Die Haferflockenmasse nun darüber leeren und mit griechisches Joghurt auffüllen. Mit weiteren Marillen und dem toasted Granola dekorieren.

Apricot breakfast recipe

Wenn ihr das Rezept selbst ausprobiert tagt doch @adezaustria. Vielleicht werdet ihr damit auf der Instagramseite gerepostet 🙂



Pineapple Mousse Cups – a vegan party snack!

Pineapple mousse cups healthy

Ready for the summer? You definitely will be with these delicious pineapple mousse cups. 
This is really the perfect cold ice cream treat for the sunny season. 🙂 

Pineapple mousse cups

Why I love pineapple mousse cups

What I love about this recipe, just like most of the ones I make, is how easy and fast you have a super tasty treat. It won’t take you a long time to prepare this dish and the results are really great. 

This was actually the first recipe where I tried making coconut whip cream. I have seen it all over Instagram and finally wanted to try it myself. I was so surprised that it really worked!

For this recipe you will also need 6 silicon molds. Make sure to grease them well so nothing will stick.

Pineapple Mousse Cups

Lets not keep you waiting for much longer. Here is the recipe for you: 

Pineapple Mousse Cups
A frozen summer treat!
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  1. 2 cups pineapple puree
  2. ¼ cup pineapple juice
  3. ¼ cup Xylit or Erythrit
  4. 1 can of full fat coconut cream (chilled overnight)
  5. 1 ½ cup of whole wheat graham crackers
  6. 3 tbsp coconut oil
  7. 6 silicone molds
  1. Put the graham crackers into a plastic bag and crumble them up into little pieces
  2. Mix melted coconut oil with graham crackers and press a half an inch crust into the small silicone molds
  3. In a bowl mix the pineapple puree with the pineapple juice. Put in the fridge and make sure it is cold until you use it again.
  4. Take another bowl and scoop out the top, thickened part of the coconut cream. Leave the liquid behind.
  5. Place hardened cream in your chilled mixing bowl. Beat for 30 seconds with a mixer until creamy.
  6. Now combine the coconut cream with the pineapple mixture and pour into the silicone cups on the cracker crust.
  7. Freeze for at least 2 hours and serve chilled.
I have a lot of different amazing vegan recipes that you can check out as well. My personal recommendation is the vegan cheesecake!

I hope you enjoyed this recipe. Happy start into your summer <3

Did you make this recipe? Tag #carinaberry and get the possibility for a shoutout on my Instagram! 


Wrapped Rhubarb Cake

Wrapped Rhubarb Cheesecake

The first sunny days brightened up the country and summer is almost in sight. This week I discovered how fast the rhubarb in my garden had grown and was super motivated to create the first summer recipe of the season. That is why I am sharing a wonderful wrapped rhubarb cake recipe with you today!

I have a soft spot for rhubarb. It’s just like asparagus such a seasonal speciality. It barely has any calories and simply such a unique and awesome taste. I love that it grows right in my garden – fully organic. 

I wanted to create something extremely special to celebrate the start into my favorite season of the year. Since I love rhubarb and also cheesecake I thought why not combine both of my addictions into one explosion of deliciousness and therefore created a wrapped rhubarb cheesecake. 


What I love about this special cake is that it looks so beautiful with its subtle pink colors. Almost too beautiful to cut and eat. The rhubarb stalks give the wrapped rhubarb cake almost a bit of an ombré effect which is simply breathtaking. 

This was the first time I made a more difficult recipe and it actually took me quite some time to prepare it.  It is by no means a difficult recipe, but there are simply many different steps with a lot of waiting time in between. However, if you have time on the weekend this could be a super fun project for one of your mornings. 

Wrapped Rhubarb Cheesecake

Most of the recipe consists of only mixing things together in a food processor. However there is one tricky part which is boiling the rhubarb stalks. The only super important thing is to not let them cook for too long or otherwise you will have rhubarb noodles 😀

Once you have the cake ready you need to make sure to slowly let it thaw in the fridge. Stil serve it cold and impress everyone at your summer party with this easy to make delicious and sugar-free cake! 

Tip: Make sure you use a very sharp knife for cutting.

Wrapped Rhubarb Cheesecake

Let’s jump into the wrapped rhubarb cake recipe. You will see, it is easier than it looks! This recipe is adapted from Sprinklesbakes 

Wrapped Rhubarb Cheesecake
Serves 12
A sugar-free summer cake
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  1. Crust
  2. 1 cup packed pitted dates*
  3. 1 cup raw walnuts
  4. Filling
  5. 2 1/2 cups raw cashews (covered with water and soaked for 8 hours)
  6. 1 tbsp vanilla bean paste
  7. 1/2 cup pure maple syrup
  8. 1/4 cup melted virgin coconut oil
  9. 1/2 cup lemon juice
  10. 1/4 cup water
  11. pinch of salt
  12. Rhubarb Coating
  13. 1 cup water
  14. 1/2 cup sugar
  15. 6-7 long rhubarb stalks
  1. In a food processor mix the dates until well blended. Put them into a bowl and set aside.
  2. Now blend the raw walnuts until you also have a very smooth mixture.
  3. Mix both parts together and press into the bottom of a silicone form. The crust should be around half an inch.
  4. Drain your cashews that have been soaking for at least 8 hours and combine them with all the other ingredients for the filling in a food processor. Make sure to mix them until you get a very smooth blend.
  5. Pour into the silicone form and freeze for 3 hours
  6. Now moving on to the rhubarb coating use a vegetable peeler and shave the rhubarb stalks into paper thin strips.
  7. Take a pot and let the sugar and water boil together. Don’t place more than three stalks in the water at the same time and only let them cook for about 20-30 seconds.
  8. Let the cooked rhubarb strips drain on a paper towel.
  9. To decorate the cake, lay the strips on top of the cake first until the whole surface is covered completely. Trim away the excess with kitchen scissors. Since the cake is frozen the stalks will stick perfectly onto the cake.
  10. Now wrap the remaining stalks around the cake. If your rhubarb has different shades of pink you can even create an ombre look.
  11. Place the cake in the fridge and let thaw. Cut with a very sharp knife.
  1. Don't cook rhubarb for too long.


I hope you enjoyed this wrapped rhubarb cake recipe and will try it yourself someday. In case you are looking for another vegan recipe I can recommend you check out my vegan waffles without sugar or my vegan avocado cheesecake


Tag @carinaberry on Instagram and hashtag it #carinaberry

I’ll always be giving shoutouts on my Instastory for those who are making my recipes. <3



Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake

Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake – doesnt that sound delicious?!?

Ever since I lived in America Cheesecake definitely is one of my favouite desserts to eat. Not sure if someone has ever been to the Cheesecake Factory in the US, but it is one of those places I like to spend a lot of time in when I’m there. 

They have all kinds of magical cheesecake varieties you could only have imagined in your wildest dreams there. 


However, since normal cheesecake unfortunately is not very fitness approved or healthy I wanted to develop a recipe that still tastes amazing, but is way better for you than the sugary stuff you get to buy elsewhere. 


How I sweeten the cheesecake

Since I am also super fond of vegan recipes I took on the challenge to make a vegan cheesecake with delicious blueberries. I used Xylit as a sweetener which has 40% less calories than regular sugar. Also there is no kind of flour, oil or butter in this recipe, which makes it extra fitness approved! 🙂 

This recipe is really easy to make. All you need is a good blender. Since this is a raw cake you won’t even have to bake it. The cashew blueberry filling tastes so incredibly good – you will see! I would pick this cheesecake anytime over a regular one. 

The Recipe

Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake
Serves 6
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Prep Time
30 min
Cook Time
30 min
Total Time
1 hr
Prep Time
30 min
Cook Time
30 min
Total Time
1 hr
  1. 400g cashews
  2. 200g frozen blueberries
  3. 40g xylitol
  1. 250g dates
  2. 50g grated almonds
  3. cinnamon
  1. 100 fresh blueberries as decoration
  2. Low Sugar Blueberry Fruit Spread
  1. Soak cashews in water overnight. The next day drain the cashews and blend them well with the frozen blueberries in a mixer. Stir in the xylit sugar.
  2. For the crust mix the dates with the grated almonds. Take a little pie form and press the crust gently onto the bottom until it covers the whole surface. Now layer the cashew-blueberry "dough" over it. Put the cake into the fridge for an hour and allow it to harden.
  3. Now take out the cheesecake and evenly cover it with sugarfree blueberry jam.
  4. To decorate the pretty cheesecake place some blueberries on top of it and sprinkle some coconut flakes over it.
  1. Make sure to keep this pie cold.


Tag @carinaberry on Instagram and hashtag it #carinaberry

I’ll always be giving shoutouts on my Instastory for those who are making my recipes. <3



How to make a unicorn nice cream bowl

We all see them on Instagram – the famous unicorn super smoothie bowls. It always looks like a magical creation sent from a different galaxy for you to enjoy.

Today I want to show you with this very simple blogpost how easy it is to make a unicorn bowl all by yourself. There are only a couple of simple tricks you need to know in order to make a beautiful creation and impress all your friends with it.

What I love about nice cream is that it is really so super easy to make. It takes about ten minutes and you have a delicious low fat snack. Working with frozen stuff however is also a great challenge – at least for me – as ice cream simply will start melting and you need to be fast before everything runs away.

But a little practice and soon enough you will be making the most magical bowls yourself.

So lets jump right into the recipe 🙂

This is what you will need:

3 frozen bananas 

100ml any kind of milk 

4g of blue spirulina powder

4g of pink pitaya powder 

And that is literally it. If you want you can add an extra scoop of protein, coconut flakes or a teaspoon of almond butter. There are many ways you can pimp the basic recipes.

There is only one thing you need to prepare before you can start making the recipe. You will need to cut the bananas into slices and freeze them overnight. Also, you will need four bowls. Make sure to also put them into the freezer so they will be cold once you start working with the nice cream.

Now pour the milk into the blender and add a couple of banana slices. Start mixing and keep adding more frozen bananas. You might have troubles mixing it at first. Stop the blender, use a spoon to mix up the frozen blend and start mixing again until you get a very smooth consistency.

And that is literally it. If you want you can add an extra scoop of protein, coconut flakes or a teaspoon of almond butter. There are many ways you can pimp the basic recipes.  There is only one thing you need to prepare before you can start making the recipe. You will need to cut the bananas into slices and freeze them overnight. Also, you will need four bowls.

Make sure to also put them into the freezer so they will be cold once you start working with the nice cream.  Now pour the milk into the blender and add a couple of banana slices. Start mixing and keep adding more frozen bananas.

You might have troubles mixing it at first. Stop the blender, use a spoon to mix up the frozen blend and start mixing again until you get a very smooth consistency.


Take out the cold bowls from the freezer. Divide the nice cream into three different bowls.

Now its time to add the color. Put a teaspoon of pink pitaya powder into the first bowl and mix it well until you get a beautiful pink color.

Add the blue color to the second bowl and again stir well. Take the third bowl and add a bit of the blue and a bit of the pink powder until you will get a nice purple color.

Now you need the fourth bowl. Divide the bowl mentally up into thirds and pour in the different colors from different sides. Take a spoon and slowly swirl the colors together.

Almost done! The final step is decorating your bowl. You can use bananas, strawberries, blueberries, granola, coconut flakes, sprinkles, macarons and what ever else you can think of!

Now quickly take a pic – it melts fast. and enjoy your beautiful bowl.

If you try this recipe please send me a picture of your bowl. I would love to see your wonderful creation. 


Tag @carinaberry on Instagram and hashtag it #carinaberry

I’ll always be giving shoutouts on my Instastory for those who are making my recipes. <3


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