Butternusskürbis auf Fetaspiegel für den Herbst


Herbstzeit ist Kürbiszeit und dieses unkomplizierte Rezept für den gebackenen Butternusskürbis auf Fetaspiegel wird dich begeistern!

Es ist Ende September und wir starten so richtig in den Herbst. Das bedeutet, dass es Zeit ist, die gemütliche Atmosphäre zu genießen, welche diese Jahreszeit mit sich bringt. Was gibt es Besseres, um den Herbst zu begrüßen, als mit einem leckeren, herzhaften Gericht, das die Aromen der Saison einfängt? Unser gebratener Butternusskürbis auf Fetaspiegel ist genau das Richtige für dich!

Springe zu Rezept

Butternusskürbis mit Fetaspiegel

Warum Butternusskürbis?

Kürbisse sind ein Symbol für den Herbst und der Butternusskürbis ist mitunter eine besonders beliebte Wahl. Seine süße, nussige Note und das zarte, orangefarbene Fleisch machen ihn zum Star vieler Herbstgerichte. Außerdem ist Butternusskürbis reich an Vitaminen sowie Ballaststoffen. Dies macht ihn zu einer gesunden Wahl für deine Herbstmahlzeiten.

Ein einfaches Rezept, das du lieben wirst!

Du fragst dich vielleicht, wie du dieses köstliche Gericht zubereiten kannst. Keine Sorge, unser Rezept ist super einfach und erfordert nur wenige Zutaten. Hier ist, was du brauchst: Kürbis sowie Olivenöl, Feta, Knoblauch, Salz, Zitrone und Basilikum. Ist das wirklich alles? Ja und das wars schon und du hast blitzschnell diese leckere herbstliche Vorspeise zubereitet. Ich bin mir sicher deine Freunde werden diesen gebackenen Kürbis ebenso lieben!

Butternusskürbis mit Fetaspiegel

Werfen wir nun einen Blick auf das leckere Herbstrezept mit Kürbis:

Butternusskürbis auf Fetaspiegel

Dieser gebackene Kürbis ist sehr einfach zubereitet und das perfekte Rezept für den Herbst!

Gericht Appetizer
Keyword Kürbis, Butternusskürbis, Feta, Fetacreme, Olivenöl, Vorspeise
Vorbereitungszeit 15 Minuten
Backzeit 45 Minuten
Portionen 4 Personen


  • 1 Butternusskürbis
  • 10 EL Olivenöl
  • 1/2 Zitrone (Saft)
  • 1-2 Zehen Knoblauch
  • 1 Handvoll Basilikum
  • 1 Packung Fetakäse


  1. Zuerst schneide den Kürbis in zwei Hälften und schäle ihn.

  2. Zweitens: den Kürbis fein einschneiden. Nimm dir dazu am Besten zwei Kochlöffel zu Hilfe, die du links und rechts neben den Kürbishälften platzierst.

  3. Bestreiche den Kürbis mit Olivenöl und gib etwas Salz drauf.

  4. Backe den Kürbis nun im Ofen bei circa 200 Grad Umluft, bis er schön weich ist. (Etwa 45 Minuten)

  5. In der Zwischenzeit kannst du die Fetacreme zubereiten: presse dazu eine Zitrone aus und mixe eine Packung Feta mit Olivenöl und dem Zitronensaft.

  6. Solange der Kürbis backt bereite das Knoblauchöl zu! Nimm dazu Olivenöl, gehackten Knoblauch und geschnittenen Basilikum. Vermenge alles gut!

  7. Streiche die Fetacreme auf ein Blech und lege den fertig gebackenen Kürbis darauf. Beträufle den Kürbis mit dem Knoblauchöl.

  8. Tipp: Genieße den Butternusskürbis mit Fetacreme schließlich mit frischem Brot 🙂

Mein gebratener Butternusskürbis auf Fetaspiegel ist nicht nur einfach zuzubereiten, sondern auch ein Fest für die Geschmackssinne. Dieses Rezept fängt die Aromen des Herbstes in einem Gericht ein, das du immer wieder genießen möchtest. Probiere es aus und erlebe die Magie des Herbstes auf deinem Teller.

Du willst weitere leckere Herbstrezepte ausprobieren? Hier habe ich meine Favoriten für dich zusammengefasst:

Hast du das Rezept nachgemacht?


Dann markiere mich mit @carina_berry auf Instagram oder verwende den Hashtag #carinaberry

Ich teile immer wieder nachgemachte Rezepte auf meiner Instastory  <3


Hier für deine Pinnwand:



Butternusskürbis mit Fetaspiegel


Kürbis mit Fetaspiegel


Instagram Story Sticker – Food Elemente für iOS

Instagram Story Sticker

Lust deine Stories kreativer und schöner zu gestalten? Liebevoll gestaltet Stories stechen einfach aus der Menge hervor und fallen auf. Instagram Story Sticker sind eine wunderbare Möglichkeit seine eigenen Stories aufzupeppen. Mit meinen neuen Food Elementen kannst du dich von anderen Content Creatoren absetzen und deiner Community zeigen wie harmonisch Stories sein können. 


Heutzutage ist es gar nicht mehr so einfach in der Instagram Welt herauszustechen. So viele Menschen bringen mittlerweile so viel guten Content heraus. Man wird überflutet von Stories und Postings. Wie hebt man sich also nun von anderen ab? Der große Unterschied liegt in der Liebe zum Detail! 

Instagram Story Sticker

Was ist alles im Paket enthalten? 

Du erhältst in diesem Paket eine große Auswahl von 29 FOOD Elementen für iOS!

4 animierte Food GIF’s, 9 Schriftzüge, 16 süße Food Elemente und eine Rezeptkarte  werden deine Story ab jetzt herausstechen lassen! 

Die Sticker sind in wunderschönen Pastellfarben gestaltet und wurden in enger Zusammenarbeit mit einem Grafikdesigner extra für dich entwickelt. Ich wollte die süßen Beerenelemente immer wieder einfließen lassen und einfach meinen eigenen Style mit in die Sticker bringen. Ich hoffe du wirst sie so sehr lieben wie ich. 

Hier eine Auflistung der einzelnen Elemente: 

  • Gifs: Baking time, Eat the rainbow, Like button, I’m hungy
  • Schriftzüge: Essen gut – alles gut, Food heaven, #foodporn, Essen ist fertig!, mhmmm…, 100% fitness approved – by me!, veggie, low carb, healthy
  • Designs: Avocado & toast, Berry nice, breakfast time, Einkaufsliste, frisches Obst & Gemüse, Heißgetränk, Kochbuch, Rezeptkarte, Kochhaube, Küchenhandschuh, Mixer, Müslischale, Picknickkorb mit Decke, Rührgerät, Spritztüte, Schneebesen

Die Sticker lassen sich ganz schnell am Handy installieren und in der Galerie abspeichern – so hast du sie innerhalb von Sekunden immer griffbereit. 

Wie funktionieren die Instagram Story Sticker? 

Die Installation der Instagram Story Sticker ist wirklich wahnsinnig einfach. Im Moment funktionieren sie aber leider nur über iOS und nicht mit Android! 

Hier die Schritte erklärt:

  1. Nach dem Kauf kannst du dir die Datei herunterladen. Speichere dir den ZIP Ordner am Handy ab. 
  2. Lade die App Unzip im App Store herunter. 
  3. Öffne die Datei mit Unzip am Handy. Du findest die Elemente nun in deiner Galerie. 
  4. Speichere die Sticker zusammen in einen neuen Ordner ab damit du sie immer griffbereit hast. 
  5. Um die einzelnen Instagram story sticker zu verwenden klickst du einfach beim Element nach Wahl auf „kopieren“ und fügst es danach in deiner Instagram Story wieder ein. 
  6. Du kannst mehrere Sticker auf einmal in deine Story einfügen und am ganzen Bildschirm platzieren. 

Die Sticker sind für dich wenn du: 

  ein iPhone verwendest
  deine Story kreativer gestalten möchtest
  deine Story von anderen abheben möchtest
  nicht immer nach neuen Gifs in der Instagram Datenbank suchen möchtest
  gerne kochst oder öfters Essen in deiner Story zeigst

Hier gehts zum Download der Food Collection für iOS:



Zum Start der Sticker gibt es ein reduziertes Angebot, was du unbedingt nützen solltest bevor der Originalpreis wieder kommt!

Ich freue mich schon wahnsinnig darauf zu sehen wie du die Sticker in deinen Stories einsetzen wirst! Du kannst mich gerne darin markieren. Ich reposte immer wieder Content von euch 🙂 

Möchtest du die Food Sticker gleich anwenden und bei coolen Rezepten verwenden? Dann hol dir doch Inspiration in meinem Fitness Kochbuch! Hier findest du 35 geniale, cleane Frühstückrezepte für den perfekten Start in den Tag! 



Best healthy restaurants in Seminyak with Instagram worthy food!

Balibola Seminyak best healthy food

Seminyak offers a variety of different blogger places and Insta worthy restaurants. In this blog post I want to show you the best healthy restaurants in Seminyak with the most colorful Insta food spots. All restaurants mentioned will also offer a great selection of vegetarian and vegan food! So here we go! 

As a full time food blogger I am always on the lookout for new healthy restaurants and trendy cafés. I love to discover the secret spots of a city and will share my favorite places in Seminyak with you now. Since I really like to eat healthy and mostly vegan I will be sharing only fitness approved restaurants that offer a great amount of vegan, raw, vegetarian and fitness food choices. All of them are super cute and an absolute recommendation. Go and check them out while you are visiting Seminyak. Most places are open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

I’ll be linking their Instagram account. Make sure to check them out as they are all doing an amazing job with their feed and it’s simply so beautiful to look at all the colorful food. I usually always check out the account and then decide from there what I want to order because you get a better impression of how your food will look like than just reading it on the menu. 


It can’t get any more colorful than Balibola. This place is basically designed for Instagrammers and bloggers. They even have their own photo wall and an icon on the menu that indicates which dishes are „instagrammable.“ Snapping your perfect Instagram food picture won’t get any easier than at this beautiful place. All the dishes are decorated in such a creative and beautiful way. We had the best vegan burgers of our entire time in Bali there. I can really recommend the burger with the vegan cheese sauce. A lot of dishes are plant-based and most of them are vegetarian. Balibola has a flexitarian approach which they explain in the menu. I thought that was really cool as well. 

The „cheese sauce“ was made out of carrots and one of the tastiest things I have ever tried in my life! We also had the WTF waffles. As you can see on the picture above they were absolutely crazy! I have never seen anything like this before. Huge recommendation for insta worthy, but also healthy food in Seminyak 

Balibola best healthy restaurants in Seminyak

Eat Play and Love

When listing the most colorful restaurants with the best food in Seminyak Eat Play Love has to be on the list! It is brand new and you can tell how much love and detail the owners put into this restaurant. It is quite big with a downstairs und upstairs area. On the roof top upstairs you will also find and are with aircon, which makes it nice to eat when it is very hot outside. I went with a couple of friends in October and we had such a feast there ordering so many delicious meals and shakes. They have some korean inspired dishes, which I thought was very creative. I also loved the pink latte with beetroot! The smoothie bowl was great and so was the french toast! It is a great place to hang out and enjoy a delicious, nutritious meal. 


Looking for a place where you can get your Instagram handle in tiny papaya letters put into your smoothie bowl? Yes, thats what they actually do at Kynd café! This is another top spot for everyone looking to take that perfect food shot. Beautiful smoothie bowls, ice cream scoops with mermaid tails in it and yummy vegan bowl options is what you will find at Kynd. They have a huge Instagram account and I believe most well known bloggers have been there already. 

best healthy restaurants in Seminyak

You can either sit down in their cute garden area or get something quick on-the-go in their creamery. In my opinion, definitely one of the best healthy restaurants in Seminyak. Outside the creamery is a colorful wall with a nice writing. Another fun picture spot you shouldn’t miss! 

best healthy restaurants in Seminyak

Coffee Cartel

This is a place I was unfortunately not able to visit myself, since I ran out of time in the end and couldn’t make it there anymore. I had it on my list for the longest time and have only heard good things about it! If you are a coffee lover this is a must see for you. They make the most artistic coffee foam creations you will ever see. 

Copyright @laura.herde Instagram page

So if you are looking for the best healthy restaurants in Seminyak, please make sure to check some of these places out. It’s just such a unique dining experience and you will be eating so colorful and delicious! 

If you are traveling around Bali make sure to also have a look at my other food guides from Ubud and Canggu. Especially the one in Canggu is very detailed, as I have spent 2 months there and really got to try all of the places there. 



Best time to visit Costa Rica and Panama – avoid the rain season!

Best time to visit Costa Rica

Best time to visit Costa Rica and Panama – avoid the rain saison!

This will be a very open blog post about my experience in Central America in the rainy season. You definitely want to find the best time to visit Costa Rica and Panama and it should definitely not be the rain season.

I visited Costa Rica in October and Panama in November and would love to share my insights on the rain season here with you now.

To start off, when I booked the trip I stupidly enough didn’t research the weather beforehand. This turned out to be a big mistake. I spent 1.5 month traveling through Panama and Costa Rica and literally had rain every single day. I think we got like three afternoons of sunshine in total. The rest it was just pouring rain.

Oh and put aside your concept of rain because I am sure it not nearly describes how much rain you can actually take. When it rains it doesn’t just drizzle a bit, it seriously rains cats and dogs for hours.

The difficult thing is that you cant really trust the weather report. There are so many microclimates and it can change so fast and so much. The weather is very unpredictable and this makes it extremely difficult to plan trips and activities. Every single time we wanted to go out and do an activity we were surprised by a humongous amount of water ruining pretty much everything we had planned. This made it quite hard to enjoy the trip, because I always felt like I would only get half of the experience. Sometimes it would rain all morning and would be nicer in the afternoon and then the next day it would be exactly the opposite.


In Costa Rica we also got quite a bit of fog. So combine rain and fog and you have the perfect weather to do absolutely nothing outside. I remember this one time we wanted to see volcano Poas which has the biggest crater of the world. We were standing centimeters away from the crater and did not see anything because of the rain and fog. It’s like I have never been there. Really sad.

Best time to visit Costa Rica
Seeing nothing at Volcano Poas

Now looking back I think I actually kind of fell into a slight rain depression. I am a person who simply needs sunshine and sunlight to be fully happy. Imagine going 1.5 month without a proper day of sun. It made me really sad, cranky and disappointed! 

One more thing I simply need to add as it also bothered me a lot traveling through Costa Rica and Panama. I just couldn’t get my head wrapped around how crazy expensive they were. Especially Costa Rica. I mean that fact alone would be fine if the quality of life, infrastructure and public transport availability would match the price levels. Unfortunately that was not the case. Besides the fact that it was dirty almost everywhere it was also difficult to get from A to B, I was missing a lot of the tradition cuisine (couldn’t find much more besides beans, rica and plantain) and couldn’t find any really nice restaurants to go to. As a food blogger the national cuisine is always super important to me and I just couldn’t find many traditional dishes or inviting restaurants. Most of them had plastic chairs, plastic banners, loud music and neon lights.

I know this sounds all very negative and there were obviously also some benefits from the rain.  Everything was sooo extremely green and beautiful. You will find any shade of green you can imagine and the entire country is blossoming and flourishing. Another positive thing I need to add is that it never gets cold. It is still going to be so much warmer than Europe – even with the rain.

We got one afternoon without clouds and the sunset was simply magical. I believe I might have also just been really unlucky with the weather. Nevertheless, it simply does rain a lot during that time of the year.

Best time to visit Costa Rica
San Blas with coming storm

I also quickly wanted to share my highlights of the trip if you ever consider going to Panama and Costa Rica yourself:

  • San Blas Islands: These are little indigenous islands in the Caribbean about 2.5 hours outside of Panama City. Beautiful blue water – if the sun is out (which wasn’t the case when we were there). You are hosted by local Kuna people and do boat trips everyday to tiny little islands.
  • Bocas del Toro: A group of islands right by the Costa Rican border. I can recommend Playa Estrella as you will be seeing so many star fish in the water.
  • Panama Canal: I was really impressed by the Panama Canal. My tip: go to the restaurant Atlantic & Pacific for dinner around 4.30pm. Like this you can avoid the expensive visitor center and still see the ships passing through from the terrace of the restaurant.
  • Rincon de la Vieja: This is a volcano in Costa Rica we went to. Even though we didn’t see the actual volcano because of the fog, the hiking trail was stunning and so interesting to see all the boiling and bubbling waters everywhere.
  • Buena Vista Lodge: this is a big adventure lodge in the rain forest north of Costa Rica. We went horse riding there, zip lining and visited beautiful volcanic hot springs.
  • Escalante: this is a nice neighborhood in San Jose filled with cute restaurant. It was the only place in Costa Rica I found restaurants that I actually wanted to go to and spend my money.
Best time to visit Costa Rica
Water Fall by Rincon de la Vieja

So to summarize October and November are the worst months to visit those countries. Therefore the best time to visit Costa Rica and Panama is after those months. They start getting much more sun in December. From December to April its dry season. Still with occasional rain every once in a while, but much much better than if you were to go in the autumn.

I met many travelers throughout the weeks and most of them had the same experience. Others got really lucky with the weather and got some good days of sunshine. I guess it just really depends on luck over there in the rain season.

Sorry for this quite negative blog post on the best time to visit Costa Rica – but it only reflects my experience there. So better an honest post than if I would tell you everything was amazing and you being disappointed if you end up going in October or November to these countries. If you want to read a more upbeat blog post about a place I actually love I recommend you check out my Tulum food guide and my Riviera maya travel tips. Here is also my Instagram for more travel inspo! 



Overnight oats with yoghurt and carrots

Overnight Oats with Carrots

Overnight oats – the perfect, easy and super quick breakfast recipe for a healthy start into the day! 

On-the-go breakfast 

What I love about these healthy overnight oats is that you can prepare them already the day before and simply need to take them out of the fridge the next morning and off you go. That is why this recipe is perfect for an on-the-go breakfast. You can carry it with you in a nice glass jar and eat it on your way to work or university. 

 overnight oats with yoghurt

Overnight Oats Variation

The basic overnight oats recipe can be adapted in different directions, depending on your liking, season and flavor cravings that special day. In todays recipe I am showing you a delicious variation of overnight oats with yoghurt and carrots. I like the carrots because I feel they fit perfectly to the fall harvest. The yoghurt just gives it a nice soft texture. If you can make these overnight oats with greek yoghurt. It has a thicker consistency which makes the taste experience even better in my opinion. 

You will see these simple overnight oats will melt your heart and give you a nice reason to wake up to delicious breakfast in the morning. 

Vegan options

So this basic oat recipe is actually perfectly suited for vegans. You can make this 100% vegan my replacing normal milk with almond/rice/oat or any other kind of alternative milk. The greek yoghurt can be substituted for coconut or soy yoghurt and it will work just as fine. You know how much I like to add protein powder to my recipes. Also here there are so many different vegan options for you. I love to use sunflower seed protein or hemp protein. Moreover, rice protein also works really nice. 

overnight oats with yoghurt

Filled with complex carbs 

I love to use oats for my recipe because they are made out of a lot of complex carbs. These will slowly release energy for your body to use over a longer period of time than for example just a plain wheat breakfast roll. Oats are actually gluten-free and a great source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. they also have quite a high amount of fiber, which is always good for your digestion. 
Oats really are one of my favorite fitness food ingredients and I make almost all my breakfast dishes with them. 

Overnight oats with yoghurt
Serves 1
A quick but healthy on-the-go breakfast.
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Total Time
15 min
Total Time
15 min
  1. 30g oats
  2. 100ml milk (vegans use milk alternative)
  3. 100g greek yoghurt 0% (vegans use coconut/soy yoghurt)
  4. 25g protein (vegans use rice/soy/hemp/sunflower protein)
  5. 1tbsp grated coconut
  6. 1 grated carrot
  7. 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  8. 15g Erythrit or Xylit or Honey
  1. Mix everything together in a bowl and stir well.
  2. Put the jar into the fridge.
  3. Let soak in the fridge overnight.
carinaberry.com https://carinaberry.com/
Overnight oats with yoghurt

If you are interested in more healthy breakfast recipes you can check out my pancakes made out of oat flour or the vegan version of them. I also recommend you to check my YouTube channel for more healthy recipe videos. 

Did you make this recipe? 

Did you make this recipe?

Tag  @carina_berry and use the Hashtag #carinaberry to get the possibility for a shoutout on my Instagram! 

Finally, I always love to see your wonderful creations and it makes me so happy to see you guys actually making my recipes. 
