Easy full body workout routine – no equipment

Easy full body workout routine

I know how busy life can get and sometimes there is simply not enough time for a full body workout in the gym. That is why I am showing you in this blogpost four easy exercises for a full body workout routine. The best thing? You don’t even need any equipment. Just your wonderful self! 

This easy full body workout routine can be done literally anywhere. In your room, in the city, in a park. It won’t take up much of your time, but still work different muscle groups in your body and you will even get some cardio in. 

How long does this full body workout routine take? 

This is a perfect quick workout you can get in between meetings, lunch breaks or simply if you don’t have a lot of time to work out on a specific day. The entire workout only takes you 12 minutes. However you will be taking breaks between each set. Depending on how long you will need for your breaks the full body workout will be done within 14 – 20 minutes. So very fast, but also effective at the same time! 

How does the full body workout routine work? 

This routine is a circuit. Which means that you will go through the exercises in a loop doing one after the other. Finally, after 5 different exercises you will be taking a break before going back to the first exercise and doing it all over again. It will be a workout of 5 exercises and 4 sets. This means you will do the whole circuit 4 times. One circuit takes 3 minutes. So, if you do it 4 times it will be 12 minutes of exercising.
Sounds quite short, but you will see once you are in the workout it will be challenging! 

How long is the rest between each set? 

You will want to take a break between the circuits. I recommend anything from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Take as much time as you need, but make sure to also push yourself a bit. You might need less rest after the first round and more rest in the following rounds. Just listen to your body and start with the new round once you have caught your breath. 

Exercise #1 – High Intensity 

For a warm up exercise we will do a set of four times 30 repetitions of high knees. That means you will be running on the spot always trying to pull up your knees as far as possible. Also, try to run as fast as you can on the spot with your knees up high. Like this we will get your heart rate up. This helps to burn fat along the workout. 

Full Body Workout Routine

Exercise #2 – Planking for those abs

After getting your heart rate up with some cardio, the second exercise will target the abdominal muscles. Place the forearms on the ground with the elbows aligned below the shoulders. If you have a matt, that is fantastic but you can also just do it without it. Make sure that your arms are parallel to the body at about the shoulder-width distance. Hold this position for 30 seconds. 

   full body workout routine

Exercise #3 – Side plank

Lie on your right side with your legs straight. Lift yourself up with your forearm so your body forms a diagonal line. Rest your other hand on your hip or at a more advanced level up into the air. Tighten your abs and hold for 30 seconds.  Make sure your hips and knees stay off the floor.

Switch to the other side and do it again for 30 seconds. 

Easy full body workout routine

Exercise #4 – Triceps Dips

After getting up the heart rate and challenging the abdominal muscles it is time to work our upper body. With this exercise you will be working your triceps hardcore. 

Position your hands shoulder-width apart on a secured bench or stable chair. Extend your legs and arms.  Now bend down your elbows to keep tension on your triceps and off your elbow joints. Lift up again. Do this for 30 seconds. 

      Full Body Workout Routine Full Body Workout Routine








Exercise #5 – Wall sits for the legs 

The final exercise will target your legs and hamstrings. Lean with your back against a wall and place your feed shoulder width apart. Your knees should be in a right angle with your upper legs. Hold this posture for 30 seconds. 

I really love this exercise and it is a great way to really strengthen your leg muscles. I do this for example very often before our skiing vacation in the winter to build up muscle before hitting the slopes and being sore all day.Full Body Workout Routine

How often should you do this?

I personally work out 4-5 times a week. If you really want to see results I would recommend you to do the same. High intensity workouts like this one are perfect to help you with fat loss since it increases your heart rate by a lot and you will be burning a lot of calories during the workout and even after. 
I recommend you to do this short workout either as a warm up when you are in the gym or a fast workout alternative if you do not have time to go to the gym that day. Anything is better than nothing 😉 

Once you feel comfortable with this workout you can switch up exercises and look for different ones that will challenge you more. You can either exchange exercises or add them to the workout to make it longer. There are really a lot of possibilites with these kinds of circuit workouts. You can customize them until you find the perfect workout for you targeting all the muscles you want to focus on, bringing you great results within a short time. 

I hope you will see great results with this super easy and fast workout and get a step closer to your personal fitness goal!
Keep in mind though that consistency is the key and such workouts have to be done on a regular basis in order to be effective. 

If you are looking for a healthy meal after your workout. I can suggest the delicious zucchini linguine. Simply click here and you will find the recipe. 

Lots of love,


Mein Traum von langen Haaren

Der Kampf mit meinen Haaren 

Seit ich denken kann, träume ich davon, lange und schöne Haare zu haben. Leider ist das bei mir nicht immer so einfach. Da ich total feines Haar habe, brechen mir die Spitzen ab einer gewissen Länge immer ab. Aber nicht nur meine Haarstruktur macht es mir schwer. Über die Jahre hinweg habe ich sie auch oft gefärbt, geglättet und anderweitig schwer beschädigt, sodass es einfach unmöglich war, sie lang wachsen zu lassen.

Hier ein kleiner Ausschnitt aus meinen Frisuren der letzten 12 Monate:


Meine bisherige Extension Erfahrung

Mit 16 habe ich mir zum ersten Mal Extensions gekauft. Damals hat mir eine Freundin in Amerika Clip-in Extensions empfohlen. Diese habe ich auch wirklich bis heute immer wieder für besondere Events und Veranstaltungen getragen. Vielen Menschen ist es peinlich, zuzugeben, dass sie Extensions tragen, aber ich muss einfach ganz aufrichtig sagen, ich fühle mich mit langen Haaren viel wohler, selbstbewusster und weiblicher. Deshalb hier nun ein sehr ehrlicher Blogpost für euch 🙂

Da ich mich schon sehr früh mit Extensions beschäftigt habe, kenne ich mich damit auch ein bisschen aus und habe viel ausprobiert. Clip-ins sind toll, aber nach längerer Tragezeit einfach sehr unangenehm und nervig zum Raus- und Reingeben. Extensions mit Bondings schädigen die Haare einfach viel zu sehr und Haarteile halten oft nicht gut. 

Als ich nun von den Tape-ins erfahren habe war mein Interesse natürlich sofort geweckt. Ich habe mich dann informiert, welche Frisörsalons in Österreich Tape-in Extensions anbieten und bin da sehr schnell auf KLIPP Frisör gestoßen. Mit KLIPP habe ich ja bereits letztes Jahr zusammengearbeitet und einen Traumlook Tag besuchen dürfen.

Jetzt wollten wir nun endlich meinen Traum von langen Haaren realisieren, da KLIPP seit diesem Jahr März Tape-ins im Sortiment hat.


Ich freute mich schon wie ein kleines Kind als ich vor zwei Wochen zur Farbnuance-Bestimmung den KLIPP Salon nach St.Pölten kam. Hier wurden genau die richtigen Farbnuancen der Extensions ausgesucht, damit sie perfekt zu meiner momentanen Haarfarbe passen. Wir haben uns für ein schönes Karamellblond entschieden und einen hellblonden Ton, um natürliche Highlights zu erzeugen. KLIPP arbeitet ausschließlich mit der Firma Verlocke in Bezug auf Extensions zusammen. Das ist 100% Echthaar und es fühlt sich einfach so kräftig und gesund an. Bei der Haarlänge hatte ich die Wahl zwischen 30, 40 50 und 60 Zentimetern. So kann man entscheiden, ob es nur eine dezente Haarverdichtung sein soll oder ob man sich den Traum von einer Hollywoodmähne erfüllen möchte. Ich habe mich natürlich für die längsten Extensions entschieden.


Eine Woche später hatte ich dann schon den Termin im Salon. Die Salonleitung Manuela nahm sich für mich Zeit und hat sie die Tape-ins wirklich fantastisch umgesetzt. Begonnen haben wir mit einer Haarwäsche. Das Besondere: mir wurden die Haare dreimal mit tiefenreinigendem Shampoo gewaschen, um wirklich alle Rückstände zu entfernen. Danach wurden meine Haare mit dem Hightech-Glätteisen „Steampod“ geglättet. Dies ist übrigens ein eigener Service den KLIPP Frisör anbietet. Das Glätten mit dem Steampod lagert Keratinteilchen ins Haar ein und stärkt es somit.

Anbringen der Tapes

Dann ging es auch schon los mit den Tapes. Diese wurden mit der Sandwich-Methode eingearbeitet. Das Mittelstück war immer eine dünne Strähne meiner eigenen Haare, darunter und darüber wurde jeweils ein Tape mit einer speziellen Zange zusammengeklebt. Hier hat mich besonders fasziniert, dass keine Einwirkung von Hitze benötigt wurde. Es wurde auch absolut nichts verschweißt und somit auch das Haar nicht beschädigt. Demnach ging das ganze Verfahren auch sehr schnell. Innerhalb einer knappen Stunde hatte ich alle Extensions in meinen Haaren. Meine Friseurin verwendete immer ein dunkles Tape unten und ein helles Tape oben, damit sich ein schöner, natürlicher Highlight Effekt, wie von der Sonne geküsst, ergibt. Danach wurden die Extensions noch etwas geschnitten, damit der Übergang zu meinen eigenen Haaren schön verläuft. Zum Schluss bekam ich noch Traumlocken in Form von Beachwaves und etwas Spitzenöl in die Haare. 


Tape-ins benötigen natürlich besondere Pflege. Ich darf ab jetzt meine Haare nur mit öl- und silikonfreien Shampoos und Conditioner waschen. Man braucht auch eine eigene Extensionsbürste mit ganz feinen Borsten, damit man nicht bei den Verbindungsstellen hängen bleibt. Man darf auch die Haare nie im nassen Zustand durchkämen sondern muss diese vorher immer antrocknen lassen. Beim Schlafen soll man sich die Haare in einem Zopf zusammenbinden, damit sie in der Nacht nicht verfilzen. 


Das besondere an Tape-in Extensions ist, dass man sie 2 bis 3 Mal wiederverwenden kann. Alle 5-6 Wochen sollte man sie nachsetzen lassen. Ihr fragt euch jetzt bestimmt, wieviel das nun alles kostet. Alles das kommt ein bisschen darauf an, was ihr wollt und, wieviele Haare ihr jetzt schon habt und wie lang die Extensions sein sollen. Im Grunde wird nach Tape verrechnet. Ein Sandwich (jeweils 2 Tapes) kostet bei KLIPP Frisör 29 Euro. Bei mir wurden zum Beispiel 24 Sandwiches (also 48 Tapes) verwendet. Wobei ich sagen muss, dass ich auch wirklich viele Tapes bekommen habe und noch dazu die maximale Länge. Das hat natürlich seinen Preis. Man muss halt bedenken, dass es sich hier um Echthaar handelt und man sie wiederverwenden kann. Das Nachsetzen ist dann schon etwas günstiger. Hier kommt man pro Strähne auf 11 Euro. Ich sehe Tape-in Extensions einfach als eine Art Luxus, den man sich leistet, um sich einen Traum zu erfüllen. 

Für mich ist es ein total neues Lebensgefühl und einfach nur durch die Straßen zu gehen, fühlt sich anders an und macht mich selbstbewusster.

Hier für euch nun meine Vorher/Nachher Bilder:



Für mehr Infos habe ich auch noch ein Video gemacht, damit ihr genau sehen könnt, wie das Anbringen der Extensions funktioniert. Ich führte auch ein Interview mit der Salonleitung Manuela, welche mir viele wichtige Fragen beantwortet hat.

Ich hoffe, ich konnte euch durch diesen Blogpost das Thema Tape-in Extensions etwas näher bringen und falls ihr noch irgendwelche Fragen dazu habt, hinterlasst mir einfach einen Kommentar.



5 Days Without Food – My Fasting Experience

Heilfasten 5 Tage Kur

5 days no food – just water and tea

Fasting – a complete abandonment of solid food. During the fasting days you only drink clear liquids. 

The last couple days have been an incredible experience, which I would like to share with you here now. Fasting is definitely not something most people do – which they maybe should because it is such a great way to detox and cleanse your body. 
Fasting kind of runs in the family if you will. My parents are doing it for decades and the longest they have gone without food was 10 days. My aunt and uncle did it for 14 days one time. Everyone around me loves to fast one time a year and I see how it benefits them all the time. That is why I started fasting once a year as well three years ago. So this is the third time I did it. 

My motivation for fasting 

Some of you were asking me why I am fasting. My main motivation to fast was to really give my body and digestion a break and totally cleanse my body. I wanted a couple days to slow down and focus on myself. I feel like we focus way to much on what we eat, how much we eat and sometimes even obsess about it. Especially being a food blogger a lot of my time evolves around food. I wanted to take a step back from my daily nutrition and let my body step forward. 
You should never do a fasting cure because you simply want to loose weight. I believe this is the completely wrong motivation and won’t get you very far. 

How it works

This is by no means a guide to fasting, I am just sharing my personal experience here. There are many different types of fasting out there. I am sure you have heard of juice fasting before where you only drink juice for a couple of days. I don’t like this type of fasting because in my opinion your body still needs to work and digest and you will be so hungry all the time. The way I fast is simply by drinking pure, clear liquids. Mostly water and tea and once a day for lunch or dinner a clear soup. On day two and day four I took bitter salt. This is a laxative which helps you to completely cleanse everything out 😀 It has the most horrible taste ever, but is a key element of this fasting cure and its effectiveness. 

Aren’t you so hungry all the time?

Most of you asked me this question. The funny thing is after the second day all signs of hunger completely vanish. You feel like you have just eaten the perfect amount of food and are totally satisfied. No grumbling stomach or feeling hungry. Every once in a while a notion of hunger would come along. But then I would simply drink something and it was gone. Especially on day 4,5 and 6 I didn’t feel any hunger anymore. Just the first days are hard. 

My fasting tips 

When fasting try to plan the days well. Pick a week where you are not invited to any events or dinners. This will just make it harder on you when you see everyone else eating. When it was really hard I would allow myself a tiny teaspoon of honey. And for the first three days I bought unsweetened almond milk (13kcal per 100ml) to add to my water for a bit of taste. 
Also try to flavor your water. I liked to put elderberry flowers and lemons into my water. It is just nice to have your water taste a little bit different. The same goes with tea. I bought a multitude of different teas to not get bored of the same taste. Make sure to buy a detox or fasting tea with nettle leaves. Chewing gum was also helpful every once in a while to keep me distracted.

Hollunderblüten Detox Wasser

My positive sides of fasting 

Fasting results in a reduction of toxic and superfluous substances and detoxifies the metabolism and connective tissue. Blood lipid levels are reduced, elevated blood sugar levels are decreasing and you will see a discharge of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract and pancreas. All of which are huge reliefs and well deserved breaks for your body! Perfect for regeneration. 
I noticed that I needed so much less sleep than usual. I was completely fine with 5 hours every day. I always woke up way before I had set my alarm. Since my body wasn’t digesting anything at night I also needed less time to recover at night and had more energy available in the morning. 
Another very positive  benefit is that you have so much more time on your hands. All the time you usually spend on grocery shopping, cooking food 3 times a day, preparing snacks is available for you to use now. 
What I love about doing the fasting cure once a year is to prove to myself how strong my will power is and my dedication. It is such a rewarding and powerful feeling when you have achieved something as hard as not eating for five days. 
Also I feel like my skin is just perfect at the moment and when I look in the mirror I kinda see myself glowing. 🙂 
And almost forgot to mention the weight loss part. I lost 3kg within 5 days – half of it will probably be right back on simply because my whole digestive system is empty right now. When my parents fast they usually loose up to 8 kg within a week. Usually half of the weight you lost will stay 🙂 

                                                                                before – after                        before – after

My negative sides of fasting 

Especially in the first two days I still felt hungry and even had a headache on the first day. This is perfectly normal as your blood sugar levels are simply super low and your body is not used to that. Occasionally I would feel weak and on the first day in the afternoon I had a real energy low. Besides that I have to honestly say I felt super fit and strong. I even went for a run one day. 
What I really noticed is how cold I got. As soon as the sun was gone I started freezing. Since my body wasn’t digesting anything I produced less body heat. 
Another negative side effect was the mood swings. I noticed how jumpy and bitchy I could be in the last couple of days. I would simply snip at people without much reason. I was definitely not the easiest person to be around with the last week 😀 Thankfully I have such a supportive boyfriend <3 
Okay not sure how open you want me to be about ALL negative side effects 😀 BUT you will need to go to the bathroom a lot. Not only because you are drinking so much liquid (up to 4l a day) but also because you are taking bitter salt which helps you empty out your digestive system.

The days after the fasting – SO IMPORTANT

Okay you NEED to get this right when you are fasting. The days you build back up to your normal nutrition are so crucial and important. Much more important and way harder than the actual fasting. If you do this wrong all of it was in vain. When you are fasting your body goes into starvation mode. This means it will store every little piece of nutrition it gets. So once you start eating again you have to start bit by bit and gradually increase your calories. When you fast for 5 days you should at least do 4 build up days (Aufbautage – sagt man das so auf Englisch? :D) Here you can find special eating plans on the internet for the first days after breaking your fast. 
Getting this right and not starting to eat everything you couldn’t during your fasting period is so important, otherwise you will have a huge JoJo effect! For example when my sister fasted for 5 days she started to eat so much after that she gained more weight within a short period of time than she lost during her fasting cure!! 

Quick rundown of my fasting cure 

Full Fasting Days:
  • Day #1: The hardest one. I felt very hungry, had an energy low and a headache. Water, tea, clear soup. 
  • Day #2: Still a bit hungry. Headache was gone. Felt weak and very cold in the evening. Water, tea, clear soup, a bit of honey and unsweetened almond milk. Went for a run. First round of bitter salt. 
  • Day #3: Not hungry anymore. Felt very cold at night. Water, tea, clear soup, bit of honey, matcha powder and almond milk. 
  • Day #4: Felt perfectly fine, satisfied and fit. No feelings of hunger. Less cold. Water, tea, clear soup, second round of bitter salt.
  • Day #5: Felt absolutely great. No signs of hunger. Not cold. water, tea, clear soup, a bit of grape juice with a lot of water. 
Breaking the fast
  • Day #6: Felt so great that I decided to fast until lunch for exactly 5.5 days of fasting. Oat soup, steamed apple 
  • Day #7: Small porridge, Oat soup, potato with greek yoghurt and salt 
  • Day #8: Joghurt with oats and fruit, Spinach and potatoes, light salad
  • Day #9: Joghurt with flax seeds and fruit, couscous salad, potato soup 


I hope you enjoyed this article and my personal insights and experiences. I am sharing all of this with you because I truly think it is a fantastic experience everyone should make at least one time in their lives. It makes you realize how strong your body and your mind is and you give your body a well deserved break for regeneration. 

Let me know in the comments if you have enjoyed this article and you are ever planning on fasting as well! 🙂 

